中高生の基礎英語 24/10/7(月) T14-D1 If you could open a shop, what kind of shop would it be? もしお店を開くなら、 どんなお店がいいですか?

中高生の基礎英語 24/10/7(月) T14-D1 If you could open a shop, what kind of shop would it be? もしお店を開くなら、 どんなお店がいいですか?

= young, still a child
a room where people can sit and relax
a work of art that is produced by shaping stone, wood, etc.
something you have prepared if there is a problem with your original
idea or item; = support
work out
to have a good result
that’s quite a list
= that’s a very interesting list; those are all big (or very different) ideas
leave out
to omit, to remove, to get rid of

Little /ˈlɪtəl/ Young; still a child
Lounge /laʊndʒ/ A room where people can sit and relax
Sculpture /ˈskʌlpʧər/ A work of art made by shaping materials like stone, wood, etc.
Backup /ˈbækʌp/ Something prepared in case there is a problem with the original; a form of support
Work out /wɜrk aʊt/ To have a successful result or outcome
That’s quite a list /ðæts kwaɪt ə lɪst/ That is a very interesting or significant list; those are big or very different ideas
Leave out /liːv aʊt/ To omit or remove something from consideration
Hire /haɪər/ To employ someone, or to give someone a job
Make a living /meɪk ə ˈlɪvɪŋ/ To work for the money needed to support oneself
Plan A, Plan B /plæn eɪ, plæn biː/ Plan A refers to the primary plan; Plan B is a backup plan in case Plan A doesn’t work out
You rock /ju rɒk/ A phrase to express admiration, meaning “You are awesome” or “You are great”
I’ve been imagining /aɪv bɪn ɪˈmædʒɪnɪŋ/ A phrase to introduce a new idea or thought
Have you ever thought? /hæv ju ˈɛvər θɔt/ A question to ask if someone has ever considered or imagined a particular idea or scenario

Q: 今週のトピックについて、少しお話ししましょう。今週のトピックは:「自分でお店を開くとしたら、どんなお店を開きますか?」です。
A: モエノ、子供の頃、自分のお店を持つことを夢見たことはありますか?
Q: はい。お花屋さんを開きたかったです。
A: お花屋さん!素敵ですね。サンディ、あなたはどうですか?
Q: 私が子供の頃は、デザートのお店を開きたかったです。アイスクリームやケーキ、その他の美味しいものたちです。
A: ああ、それも素敵ですね。多くのお店では商品を売っていますが、お店ではあらゆるサービスも買えますよね。
Q: そうですね。例えば美容院や理容店では、髪を切ってスタイリングしてもらえます。
A: モエノ、サービスを売っている他のお店をいくつか考えられますか?
Q: ネイルサロンです。
A: うん!そしてクリーニング店、旅行代理店、ガソリンスタンド、ジムなどもありますね。

Topic 14, Day 1.
Let’s warm up by chatting about this week’s topic, which is:
If you could open a shop, what kind of shop would it be?
If you could open a shop, what kind of shop would it be?
Moeno, when you were little, did you ever dream of having your own shop?
Yes. I wanted to open flower shop.
A flower shop!
Oh, so pretty and nice!
How about you, Sandy?
When I was little, I wanted to open a dessert shop. Ice cream and cakes and all the yummy things.
Oh, that sounds nice. Many shops sell products, and you can buy all kinds of services at shops, too.
Yeah. Like a beauty salon or barbershop, where you have your hair cut and styled.
Moeno, can you think of some other shops that sell services?
A nail salon.
Mmm! And there are dry cleaners, travel agencies…
and gas stations and gyms.
So, this week, we’re asking, “If you could open a shop, what kind of shop would it be?”
Now, let’s move on to this week’s dialogue.
Yugo sees Jake sitting alone at a table in the student lounge.

Moeno, what were you able to catch?
“An online art studio.”
And Yugo said that it’s creative, it’s fun.
Yes. Uh-huh. Talking about cooking. Right.
And Yugo also said that he wants to make people happy.
Yes. Very good.
Jake uses the word “advertising.” Advertising is words or images that are used to sell a product or service.
Right. You might see advertising on websites, or when you’re watching online videos, or on posters on the street or in the subway.
Also, Yugo says, “I love eating my creations!” A creation is something a person makes.
Right. An artist’s creations might be things like drawings, paintings, or sculptures – whatever the artist makes.
When Yugo says “my creations,” he means the dishes that he cooks.
Okay. We’ll find out more about the things Yugo and Jake say on Day 2 and Day 3.

-New Words, New Phrases
Today’s first word is: hire.
“To hire someone” means “to give someone a job.” In other words, “to pay someone to work for you.”
In the dialogue, when Jake talks about opening an online art studio, he says, “People could hire me to draw for them.”
Yeah. He means that he would be paid to draw things that people asked for.
Right. In April every year, many companies in Japan hire new workers.

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