中高生の基礎英語 24/11/7(木)T15-D4 Is it good to have school uniforms学校の制服があるのは良いことですか?

中高生の基礎英語 24/11/7(木)T15-D4 Is it good to have school uniforms学校の制服があるのは良いことですか?
-Guest’s Thoughts
Q1. What happened when Tomas’s class discussed whether they wanted school uniforms?
Q2. When would Tomas be okay with uniforms?
Q3. What is very important to Tomas?

-Sandy’s Thoughts
Q1. Why do some students have trouble choosing clothing?
Q2. Why do school uniforms help students feel equal?
Q3. Why do uniforms help you save money?

comfortable ˈkʌmf.tə.bəl 快適な
guest ɡɛst ゲスト、訪問者
cosplay carnival ˈkɑːnɪˌvəl コスプレカーニバル
competition ˌkɒmpɪˈtɪʃən 競争、コンテスト
participate pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt 参加する
pyramid ˈpɪrəmɪd ピラミッド、積み重ね
soccer ˈsɒkər サッカー
smartphone ˈsmɑːrtˌfoʊn スマートフォン
chocolate cake ˈtʃɒklət keɪk チョコレートケーキ
vacation veɪˈkeɪʃən 休暇
Carnival ˈkɑːrnɪˌvəl カーニバル(特にブラジルの祭り)
creative choice kriˈeɪtɪv tʃɔɪs 創造的な選択
self-image sɛlf ˈɪmɪdʒ 自己イメージ
confident ˈkɒnfɪdənt 自信がある
fashion sense ˈfæʃən sɛns ファッションセンス
compare kəmˈpɛr 比較する
equal ˈiːkwəl 平等の
expensive ɪkˈspɛnsɪv 高価な
freedom ˈfriːdəm 自由
express ɪkˈsprɛs 表現する
save money seɪv ˈmʌni お金を節約する
final examinations ˈfaɪnl ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃənz 期末試験
strict strɪkt 厳しい
chocolate cake ˈʧɒklɪt keɪk チョコレートケーキ
pyramid of cups ˈpɪrəmɪd əv kʌps カップのピラミッド
celebrate ˈsɛləˌbreɪt 祝う
pronunciation prəˌnʌnsiˈeɪʃən 発音
self-expression sɛlf ɪkˈsprɛʃən 自己表現
classroom ˈklæsruːm 教室
finals ˈfaɪnəlz 期末試験、最後の試合
two-month summer break tuː mʌnθ ˈsʌmər breɪk 2か月の夏休み
self-confidence ˈsɛlf ˈkɒnfɪdəns 自信

expecting you to follow rules all the time
special and fantastic with a lot of decoration
feeling sure about yourself; satisfied
have trouble…ing
to find it difficult doing something

-Chat with the Guest
♪ Topic 15: Is it good to have school uniforms? Day 4.
Before we talk about this week’s topic, let’s have a chat with Tomas. Hi, Tomas.
Last time, you told us about the cosplay carnival event at your school and the Summer Fest. Did you have any other events at school?
Yes. Actually, we have(→had) plenty.
Really? Please tell us more.
So, we have(had) a reading competition event.
Huh! What was that?
Well, we would pick a book. Any book we like, and we would pick our favorite page and practice it. Then we’d have to present it. You could only participate if it was not your first language.
You were reading the page aloud.
But it cannot(→ could not) be your first language.
No. It has(→had) to be a language you are(→were) learning.
I see. And the competition was who could read the page the best without mistakes or…?
I would say “yes.” In another word(→other words), the most natural reader would win.
So, pronunciation… and, uh, natural speech. I see. Oh, interesting.

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