中高生の基礎英語 24/12/3(火)T17-2 What is your best childhood memory? あなたの子ども時代の一番いい思い出は何ですか?
Topic 17
What is your best childhood memory?
find out faɪnd aʊt 見つけ出す、知る
around the corner əˈraʊnd ðə ˈkɔːrnər 近くの、すぐそこに
listen ˈlɪsən 聞く
unforgettable ˌʌnfərˈɡɛtəbl 忘れられない
way too much weɪ tuː mʌtʃ あまりにも多すぎる
lipstick ˈlɪpˌstɪk 口紅
eye shadow aɪ ˈʃædoʊ アイシャドウ
makeup ˈmeɪˌkʌp 化粧品
practice ˈpræktɪs 練習する
repeat rɪˈpiːt 繰り返す
move on muːv ɒn 次に進む
childhood memory ˈtʃaɪldhʊd ˈmɛməri 子供時代の思い出
I’ll always remember aɪl ˈɔːlweɪz rɪˈmɛmbər いつまでも覚えている
I’ll never forget aɪl ˈnɛvər fərˈɡɛt 決して忘れない
laugh and laugh læf ənd læf 笑い続ける
scary ˈskɛri 怖い
maternity leave məˈtɜːrnɪti liːv 産休
simple summary ˈsɪmpl ˈsʌməri 簡単な要約
put on too much pʊt ɒn tuː mʌtʃ (量を)つけすぎる
fun activities fʌn ækˈtɪvɪtiz 楽しい活動
cooked together kʊkt təˈɡɛðər 一緒に料理をした
tried on makeup traɪd ɒn ˈmeɪˌkʌp 化粧品を試した
see you then siː juː ðɛn またその時に
to say what something is like
on my own
= by myself
maternity leave
time that a woman is allowed to be away from work before and after having a baby
Now, let’s find out more about what Mei says. We’ll ask you some questions.
Okay. Here’s the first question: When Mei was little, where did her friend Yui live?
When Mei was little, where did her friend Yui live? Moeno?
Yui lived around the corner from Mei.
All right. Let’s listen to what Mei says.
The answer is: She lived around the corner from Mei. If you just said, “Around the corner from Mei,” that’s great, too.
Everyone, let’s practice saying the answer. She lived around the corner from Mei. Very good.
All right. Let’s move on to the next question. First, listen to this.
So, here’s the question: What happened when Mei and Yui found Mei’s mother’s makeup?
What happened when Mei and Yui found Mei’s mother’s makeup? Moeno?
They put on way too much lipstick and eye shadow and everything.
Okay. The question was: What happened when Mei and Yui found Mei’s mother’s makeup? And the answer is: They put on way too much lipstick and eye shadow and everything. If you just said, “They put on way too much makeup” or “They put on way too much,” those are good answers, too.
Everyone, let’s practice saying the answer like this: They put on way too much lipstick and eye shadow and everything. Great job.
-What would you say?
This week’s topic is:
What is your best childhood memory?
Today, let’s look at some ways to say that you remember something.
In the dialogue, Mei says: One unforgettable day, we found my mom’s makeup.
Moeno, what does the word “unforgettable” mean?
I think it means someone cannot forget.
Yes. That’s right. Something that is “unforgettable” is impossible to forget.
Right. Mei means that she will always remember the day that they found her mom’s makeup.
Yes. When you use this pattern, you can start by saying, “One unforgettable day, …” and then go on to say what happened.
And, of course, you can use different words to describe when it happened – for example, “one wonderful day” or “one rainy night.”
Everyone, let’s try practicing using Mei’s line. Ready?
One unforgettable day, we found my mom’s makeup.
One unforgettable day, we found my mom’s makeup. Good job.
Yugo shares a favorite memory, too. He says: I’ll always remember when I made my dad laugh.
I’ll always remember when I made my dad laugh.