
MLB: Shohei Ohtani clutch again as Dodgers clinch division title
MLB: 大谷翔平がまたも決定的な活躍、ドジャースが地区優勝を決める

LOS ANGELES (Kyodo) — Shohei Ohtani singled in the go-ahead run in a five-run seventh-inning rally as the Los Angeles Dodgers clinched their third straight National League West title with a 7-2 win over the San Diego Padres on Thursday.
ロサンゼルス(共同)– 大谷翔平が7回に5点を挙げる逆転劇で、決勝打を放ち、ロサンゼルス・ドジャースはサンディエゴ・パドレスに7-2で勝利し、3年連続となるナショナルリーグ西地区優勝を決めました。
go-ahead 勝ち越しの
Ohtani, bound for the first postseason of his illustrious Major League Baseball career, drove in the game winner for the second straight night as the home team took the crucial three-game series at Dodger Stadium.

The founding member of MLB’s 50-homer, 50-steal club finished 3-for-5 with an RBI.

Will Smith’s two-run homer tied the game at 2. Ohtani’s RBI single to right gave the Dodgers the lead for good before Mookie Betts followed with a two-run single to cap the rally.

A jubilant Ohtani and Dodger teammates, including countryman Yoshinobu Yamamoto, doused each other with champagne following the victory.

“I’ve always wanted to do this champagne fight, so I feel happy,” Ohtani said. “Everyone did a good job and had a great game today. When our division lead remained slim until late in the season, we came up with a lot of good wins.”

Yamamoto celebrated the division title in a major league rookie season interrupted by a strained rotator cuff in his right shoulder.

“I spent half of the season in rehabilitation, so I just want to thank all these teammates,” the right-hander said.

“Not many players can experience winning a division title from their first year. I’ll try to contribute to the team in the postseason as much as possible.”

The Dodgers will play their first postseason game on Oct. 5 in the division series, having secured a place as one of the top two teams in winning percentage.

The title-clinching win did not come without worries, however, after Freddie Freeman rolled his right ankle while trying to avoid a tag at first base in the seventh.

clutch klʌʧ 重要な場面での活躍
clinch klɪnʧ 決定づける、勝利を確定させる
division title dɪˈvɪʒən ˈtaɪtl 地区優勝
bound for baʊnd fɔr ~に向かう、~が確定している
postseason ˈpoʊstˌsizən シーズン後、プレーオフ
illustrious ɪˈlʌstriəs 輝かしい、著名な
Major League Baseball ˈmeɪʤər liːg ˈbeɪsbɔl メジャーリーグベースボール
drove in droʊv ɪn 得点を挙げる、打点を記録する
game winner geɪm ˈwɪnər 勝利を決めるプレー
founding member ˈfaʊndɪŋ ˈmɛmbər 創設メンバー
homer ˈhoʊmər ホームラン
RBI (Run Batted In) ɑr biː aɪ 打点
jubilant ˈʤuːbɪlənt 歓喜に満ちた
doused daʊst 濡らされた、びしょ濡れにされた
champagne ʃæmˈpeɪn シャンパン
division lead dɪˈvɪʒən liːd 地区でのリード、地区首位
slim slɪm 僅かな、細い
rookie ˈrʊki 新人
strained rotator cuff streɪnd ˈroʊˌteɪtər kʌf 肩の回旋筋腱板損傷
rehabilitation ˌriˌhæbəˌlɪˈteɪʃən リハビリテーション
contribute kənˈtrɪbjut 貢献する
winning percentage ˈwɪnɪŋ pərˈsɛnɪʤ 勝率
rolled his ankle roʊld hɪz ˈæŋkəl 足首をひねった
avoid a tag əˈvɔɪd ə tæɡ タグ(タッチ)を避ける

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