Famed Japanese stage and screen actor Toshiyuki Nishida dies at 76, 著名な日本の舞台・映画俳優、西田敏行氏が76歳で死去

Famed Japanese stage and screen actor Toshiyuki Nishida dies at 76
October 17, 2024 (Mainichi Japan)

Actor Toshiyuki Nishida is pictured in Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward on Dec. 31, 2012. (Mainichi/Koichiro Tezuka)
TOKYO — Japanese actor Toshiyuki Nishida, famed for roles in TV, film and on the stage spanning decades, has passed away at age 76, it was learned on Oct. 17.
spanning decades 数十年に渡る
A native of Fukushima Prefecture, Nishida appeared in productions as diverse as the comedic “Tsuribaka Nisshi” (lit. Fishing Nut’s Diary) film series and “Fiddler on the Roof.” After graduating from theater school in 1970, he landed his first part in a Seiichi Yashiro stage play in 1971. In 1977, he won the Kinokuniya individual stage actor award, one milestone in a long career on stage that included the lead in “Fiddler on the Roof” in 1994.

Nishida was also a regular on TV, where he got his start in the drama serial “Kita no Kazoku” (lit. Family from the North) on public broadcaster NHK in 1973.

In 2004, Nishida took home Best Actor at the Mainichi Film Awards for his roles in “Get Up!” and “Tsuribaka Nisshi 14.” He has also won the Japan Academy Film Prize for Outstanding Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role and the Golden Arrow Award for performances in films including “The Silk Road” and “Gakko” (A Class to Remember).

famed /feɪmd/ Widely known or renowned.
stage actor /steɪʤ ˈæktər/ An actor who performs in live theater productions.
comedic /kəˈmiːdɪk/ Relating to or characterized by comedy, meant to be humorous.
theater school /ˈθiːətər skuːl/ An educational institution specializing in training students in acting and stage performance.
Kinokuniya award /kɪˌnoʊkuˈniːjə əˈwɔːrd/ A prestigious award given to Japanese stage actors for exceptional performances.
drama serial /ˈdrɑːmə ˈsɪriəl/ A television series that is a continuous story told over multiple episodes.
Best Actor /bɛst ˈæktər/ An award given to the best performing male actor in a particular role.
film series /fɪlm ˈsɪriːz/ A sequence of related films with recurring themes or characters.
Golden Arrow Award /ˈɡoʊldən ˈæroʊ əˈwɔːrd/ An award for achievements in Japanese film, TV, or theater.
Japanese Translation:
2024年10月17日(Mainichi Japan)





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