Japan primary school teacher arrested for allegedly punching student in face
Japan primary school teacher arrested for allegedly punching student in face
September 28, 2024 (Mainichi Japan)
Shiga Prefectural Police headquarters is seen in this file photo. (Mainichi)
OTSU — An elementary school teacher in Shiga Prefecture was arrested on Sept. 27 for allegedly punching a student in the face and injuring his right eye.
Officers from Shiga Prefectural Police’s Maibara Police Station arrested Mutsuhiro Ito, 46, who lives in the prefectural city of Nagahama, on suspicion of assault. Police have not revealed whether he has admitted to the allegations.
According to the police station, Ito hit the boy near his right eye once with his fist in a classroom at the elementary school in the city of Maibara at around 2 p.m. on Sept. 2, causing injuries including a bruised right eyeball that took two to three weeks to completely heal. The child’s family reported the incident to police the same day. The police are investigating the reason for the alleged assault.
The Maibara Municipal Board of Education said that the incident had occurred during class. The teacher still belongs to the same school but is not currently teaching.
The education board stated, “It is truly lamentable and regrettable that a teacher in the city has been arrested. We sincerely apologize to the child who was affected by this incident and his guardians.”
primary school ˈpraɪməri skuːl 小学校
arrested əˈrɛstɪd 逮捕された
allegedly əˈlɛʤɪdli 申し立てによると、~と言われている
punching ˈpʌnʧɪŋ 殴ること
Shiga Prefecture ʃiːɡə ˈprɛfɪktʃʊr 滋賀県
police headquarters pəˈliːs ˈhɛdˌkwɔːrtərz 警察本部
elementary school ˌɛləˈmɛntri skuːl 小学校
arrested on suspicion əˈrɛstɪd ɑn səˈspɪʃən 容疑で逮捕された
assault əˈsɔːlt 暴行
revealed rɪˈviːld 明らかにされた
allegations ˌælɪˈɡeɪʃənz 申し立て、告発
injured ˈɪnʤərd 怪我をした
right eye raɪt aɪ 右目
fist fɪst 拳
bruised bruːzd あざができた
eyeball ˈaɪˌbɔːl 眼球
healed hiːld 治った
incident ˈɪnsɪdənt 事件
reported rɪˈpɔːrtɪd 報告された
Municipal Board of Education mjuːˈnɪsɪpəl bɔːrd ʌv ˌɛʤʊˈkeɪʃən 市教育委員会
apologize əˈpɑːləʤaɪz 謝罪する
guardians ˈɡɑːrdiənz 保護者
大津市 — 滋賀県の小学校教諭が9月27日、生徒を顔に殴打し、右目に怪我を負わせた疑いで逮捕された。