New Japan ruling LDP head Ishiba to support wage growth, consumption
TOKYO (Kyodo) — Shigeru Ishiba, who is set to become the next Japanese prime minister, pledged Friday to implement measures to accelerate real wage growth and boost consumer spending, as price hikes and a declining birthrate are expected to hamper the broader economy.
Hours after being elected Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s successor as president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, Ishiba said at a press conference that he will consider effective ways to ease the burden on households amid the rising cost of living.
Ishiba will become Japan’s top political leader with prices on an upward trend across the board due largely to the yen’s sharp depreciation, which has driven up the cost of imports. Japan highly depends on imports for its energy and food needs.
As for the falling birthrate, Ishiba said, “Reversing the population drop will not be easy. The core issue is the decreasing number of mothers. We will shine a spotlight on people who want to get married but face difficulties.”
Ishiba, who served as the country’s first regional revitalization minister, also emphasized the necessity of decentralizing power from Tokyo, saying, “We will work hard to protect local areas to further develop” the capital and regions.
Later in the day, Ishiba instructed the ruling party to compile a supplementary budget for fiscal 2024 through March next year to fund an economic stimulus package aimed at mitigating the negative impact of higher prices, a source close to him said.
ruling ˈruːlɪŋ 支配している、与党の
LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) ɛl diː piː 自由民主党
wage growth weɪʤ ɡroʊθ 賃金の成長
consumption kənˈsʌmpʃən 消費
pledge plɛʤ 約束する、誓う
accelerate ækˈsɛləˌreɪt 加速させる
real wage riːəl weɪʤ 実質賃金
boost buːst 増強する、促進する
consumer spending kənˈsjuːmər ˈspɛndɪŋ 消費者支出
birthrate ˈbɜrθˌreɪt 出生率
hamper ˈhæmpər 妨げる、阻害する
broader economy ˈbrɔːdər ɪˈkɑːnəmi 広範な経済、全体の経済
household ˈhaʊshoʊld 世帯、家庭
cost of living kɔst ʌv ˈlɪvɪŋ 生活費
depreciation dɪˌpriʃiˈeɪʃən 価値の下落、減価
imports ˈɪmpɔrts 輸入品
falling birthrate ˈfɔlɪŋ ˈbɜrθˌreɪt 出生率の低下
decentralize diːˈsɛntrəˌlaɪz 分権化する
supplementary budget ˌsʌpləˈmɛntəri ˈbʌʤɪt 補正予算
fiscal ˈfɪskəl 財政の、会計年度の
economic stimulus ˌɛkəˈnɑːmɪk ˈstɪmjələs 経済刺激策
mitigate ˈmɪtɪˌɡeɪt 緩和する
negative impact ˈnɛɡətɪv ˈɪmpækt 悪影響
東京(共同)– 日本の次期首相となる石破茂氏は金曜日、実質賃金の成長を加速させ、消費を拡大させるための措置を講じることを約束しました。物価の上昇と少子化が日本経済全体に悪影響を与えることが予想されています。
Q1). Shigeru Ishiba has pledged to accelerate what kind of growth in Japan?
A) Population growth
B) Wage growth
C) Economic downturn
D) Technological growth
Q2). What did Ishiba say about the falling birthrate?
A) It will be easy to reverse.
B) It is caused by too many people getting married.
C) The core issue is the decreasing number of mothers.
D) The birthrate is increasing rapidly.
Q3). What factor has caused the cost of living to rise in Japan?
A) Declining export rates
B) The sharp depreciation of the yen
C) High birthrate
D) The rise in local production
Q4). What kind of budget did Ishiba instruct the ruling party to compile?
A) Annual budget
B) Emergency budget
C) Fiscal policy budget
D) Supplementary budget
Q5). What title will Shigeru Ishiba take after being elected?
A) Minister of Finance
B) Prime Minister
C) Governor of Tokyo
D) Foreign Minister
A1). B) Wage growth
A2). C) The core issue is the decreasing number of mothers.
A3). B) The sharp depreciation of the yen
A4). D) Supplementary budget
A5). B) Prime Minister