Shohei Ohtani launches homer No. 54, steals 57th base as NL West-champion Dodgers power by Rockies 11-4
Shohei Ohtani launches homer No. 54, steals 57th base as NL West-champion Dodgers power by Rockies 11-4
September 28, 2024 (Mainichi Japan)
DENVER (AP) — Shohei Ohtani hit his 54th homer of the season, a towering three-run shot, after stealing his 57th base earlier in the game and the NL West-champion Los Angeles Dodgers powered past the Colorado Rockies 11-4 on Friday night.
The Dodgers designated hitter finished 4 for 5, which also included a pair of singles and a double, and drove in four runs. He now has 24 hits over his last 34 at-bats.
“Shohei, he put on a show,” Dodgers manager Dave Roberts said.
Ohtani is making a serious charge at a Triple Crown, leading the NL in homers (54) and RBIs (130). He raised his average to .309 to trail only Luis Arraez (.312 entering Friday) in the batting-title race.
With his swipe of second base in the second inning, Ohtani passed Ichiro Suzuki for the most stolen bases in a single season by a Japanese-born player. Ohtani was wearing spikes featuring a picture of his dog, Decoy.
Ohtani’s three-run blast in the sixth inning landed in the second deck at Coors Field. It was a no-doubter at the crack of the bat, with the sellout crowd instantly erupting, an early show before the fireworks display that awaited after the game.
“(Ohtani) hits the ball really hard because he swings hard and he’s a strong man,” Rockies manager Bud Black said. “He’s a really unbelievable talent.”
His 408 total bases this season are second-most in franchise history. Babe Herman set the record of 416 in 1930.
The Dodgers are now 38-12 this season when Ohtani goes yard.
“He’s locked in,” teammate Chris Taylor said. “He’s definitely in a zone right now. He’s feeling it. We’re all just watching him continue to have a good year and he’s finishing it strong.”
Teoscar Hernandez got things started for Los Angeles with a two-run homer in the first. Andy Pages also homered for the Dodgers, who arrived in town fresh off clinching their third straight division title Thursday. The Dodgers moved two games up on the Philadelphia Phillies for the top seed in the National League.
Ben Casparius (2-0) picked up the win for Los Angeles, going 4 1/3 innings, in a game where the Dodgers started reliever Ryan Brasier.
Cal Quantrill (8-11) struggled against the Dodgers’ potent lineup, allowing six runs and two homers over 3 1/3 innings.
At 61-99, the Rockies need to win their final two games to avoid back-to-back 100-loss seasons.
A positive for Colorado: Outfielder Brenton Doyle stole his 30th base of the season Friday. That’s the most by a Colorado player since Charlie Blackmon had 43 in 2015.
It was a fortunate coincidence the second-base bag needed to be replaced as Blackmon stepped up to the plate in the first inning. The switch allowed his walk-up song “Your Love” by The Outfield to play a little bit longer. The designated hitter/outfielder known for his bushy beard announced Monday he’s retiring after 14 seasons — all with the Rockies.
The organization will honor him before Sunday’s season finale. Blackmon had a single and two walks Friday.
Dodgers: 1B Freddie Freeman didn’t make the trip to Colorado so he could rest a sore ankle. Freeman was on crutches and in a walking boot after leaving Thursday’s game. The Dodgers also left SS Miguel Rojas at home due to a torn adductor.
The Dodgers will send righty Yoshinobu Yamamoto (6-2, 2.96 ERA) to the mound Saturday night. The Rockies counter with righty Antonio Senzatela (0-0, 3.38).
launches ˈlɔːnʧɪz 打ち上げる、発射する
homer ˈhoʊmər ホームラン
steals stiːlz 盗塁する
base beɪs 塁
NL West-champion ɛn ɛl wɛst-ˈʧæmpiən ナショナルリーグ西地区の優勝チーム
power past ˈpaʊər pæst 圧倒する
designated hitter ˈdɛzɪgneɪtɪd ˈhɪtər 指名打者
batting-title race ˈbætɪŋ-ˈtaɪtəl reɪs 首位打者争い
swipe swaɪp 盗む(盗塁する)
spikes spaɪks スパイクシューズ
blast blæst 大きな一撃、強打
no-doubter nəʊ-ˈdaʊtər 打った瞬間にホームランだと確信できる一打
sellout crowd ˈsɛlaʊt kraʊd 満員の観衆
fireworks display ˈfaɪərˌwɜːrks dɪsˈpleɪ 花火大会
erupt ɪˈrʌpt 突発する、爆発的に盛り上がる
Franchise ˈfrænʧaɪz フランチャイズ、球団
yard jɑrd ホームランを打つ(野球のスラング)
locked in lɒkt ɪn 調子が良い、集中している
in a zone ɪn ə zəʊn 好調の状態で集中している
clinching ˈklɪnʧɪŋ 確定させる、確保する
potent lineup ˈpoʊtənt ˈlaɪnˌʌp 強力な打線
back-to-back ˈbæk-tuː-bæk 連続の、続けざまの
walk-up song wɔk-ʌp sɒŋ 登場曲
designated hitter/outfielder ˈdɛzɪgneɪtɪd ˈhɪtər/ˈaʊtfildər 指名打者/外野手
retiring rɪˈtaɪərɪŋ 引退する
season finale ˈsiːzən fɪˈnæli シーズン最終戦
tTrainer’s room ˈtreɪnərz ruːm トレーナー室、治療室
crutches ˈkrʌʧɪz 松葉杖
walking boot ˈwɔːkɪŋ buːt 歩行用ブーツ
torn adductor tɔrn æˈdʌktər 内転筋の損傷
counter with ˈkaʊntər wɪð (試合で)対抗する
2024年9月28日 (毎日新聞)
デンバー(AP)– 大谷翔平は今季54号となる3ランホームランを放ち、試合中に57盗塁目も成功させ、ナショナルリーグ西地区優勝を果たしたロサンゼルス・ドジャースがコロラド・ロッキーズを11-4で圧倒しました。
ベン・カスパリウス(2勝0敗)は4 1/3イニングを投げ、勝利を収めました。試合はリリーフのライアン・ブレイジアーが先発しました。
カル・クアントリル(8勝11敗)は、強力なドジャース打線に苦しみ、3 1/3イニングで6失点、2本塁打を許しました。
幸運にも、ブラックモンが打席に立つ直前に二塁ベースを交換する必要があり、彼の登場曲「Your Love」が少し長く流れました。ふさふさのひげで知られる指名打者兼外野手のブラックモンは、月曜日に引退を発表し、14シーズンをすべてロッキーズで過ごしました。