24/9/30「もやしは必須」 福岡の学校給食から供給問題で外される

24/9/30「もやしは必須」 福岡の学校給食から供給問題で外される

‘Essential’ bean sprouts taken off the menu in Fukuoka school lunches over supply woes
October 1, 2024 (Mainichi Japan)
2024年10月1日 (毎日新聞)
FUKUOKA — Bean sprouts are being removed from school lunches due to procurement difficulties amid a dwindling number of suppliers, the education board of this southwest Japan city announced in a Sept. 26 notice.

The reason was the sudden closure of the only supplier of bean sprouts in the city. In addition to the woes felt by the Fukuoka Municipal Board of Education, Mainichi Shimbun reporting has uncovered the state of the industry supplying bean sprouts, the cheap and beloved vegetable that has helped many balance their pocketbooks amid fast-rising consumer prices.

Discontinuation notice sent two days ahead

Titled “About the school lunch menu for October (partial changes),” the notice sent to parents of all municipal elementary school students stated that bean sprouts were to be replaced with other ingredients. For example, for a sweet and sour dish, it said that sprouts would be removed, carrots would be added and “harusame” glass noodles would be added. And for Chinese stir-fry, onions would replace sprouts and the amount of cabbage and carrots would be increased.

The change was decided upon following sudden notice from the sole supplier of bean sprouts for school lunches in the city that it would be shutting down. According to the education board, the notice was sent on Sept. 18, and the company ceased operations two days later. The lunch menu for October had already been set, so this forced the board to change the ingredients.

Going forward, the board is looking at suppliers outside the city, but with roughly 120,000 lunches served per day at its municipal elementary, junior high and special education schools, whether it will be able to procure the necessary scale remains unknown. “Bean sprouts are nutritious, inexpensive, and an essential ingredient in school lunches. A stable supply is the most important factor when it comes to school lunch ingredients,” said an education board official, not shying away from the confusion over the matter.

According to a source related to the matter, the company was a small family-run business and was responsible for the production and wholesale of bean sprouts for many years, but was forced to close due to deteriorating finances.

Producers down by 80% over 30 years

Bean sprout producers have been going out of business one after another. According to the Tokyo-based industry association of bean sprout producers, the number of growers nationwide has shrunk from at least 550 in 1995 to 95. A majority have reportedly ceased operations because of financial woes, as the price of mung beans imported from China has more than quadrupled in 20 years while competition among retailers has heated up and kept sale prices low.

Shoji Hayashi, the 71-year-old chairperson of the bean sprouts industry group, said, “In a deflationary economy, bean sprouts have been a feature item of bargain sales.” At times, the retail price of one 200-gram bag was in the single digits of yen (mere pennies), and the association has issued notices and otherwise brought up their plight. Depending on the region, current retail prices as of July 2024 ranged from 20 to 60 yen (about 14 to 42 cents), but the overall structure of low profitability has not changed amid fast-rising costs for utilities and basic supplies.

The cheapness of bean sprouts appeals to consumers amid rapidly rising prices, but one source related to the industry lamented, “As consumers take it for granted that bean sprouts, which can be supplied stably throughout the year, are cheap, they will not be bought if the unit price is more than 100 yen. Supermarkets using them to attract customers have created a negative cycle for producers, and even problems with school lunches.”

'Essential' bean sprouts taken off the menu in Fukuoka school lunches over supply woes - The Mainichi
FUKUOKA -- Bean sprouts are being removed from school lunches due to procurement difficulties amid a dwindling number of...

essential /ɪˈsɛnʃəl/ 必要不可欠な
bean sprouts /biːn spraʊts/ もやし
supply woes /səˈplaɪ woʊz/ 供給問題
procurement /prəˈkjʊrmənt/ 調達
dwindling /ˈdwɪndlɪŋ/ 減少している
suppliers /səˈplaɪərz/ 供給業者
discontinuation /ˌdɪskənˌtɪnjuˈeɪʃən/ 中止、廃止
municipal /mjʊˈnɪsɪpəl/ 市の、地方自治体の
sweet and sour dish /swiːt ænd saʊr dɪʃ/ 甘酸っぱい料理
harusame /hɑːruːˈsɑːmeɪ/ 春雨
sole supplier /soʊl səˈplaɪər/ 唯一の供給業者
junior high /ˈʤuːnjər haɪ/ 中学校
special education schools /ˈspɛʃəl ˌɛdʒʊˈkeɪʃən skuːlz/ 特別支援学校
procure /prəˈkjʊr/ 調達する
nutritious /njuːˈtrɪʃəs/ 栄養価の高い
confusion /kənˈfjuːʒən/ 混乱
deteriorating finances /dɪˈtɪriəˌreɪtɪŋ faɪˈnænsɪz/ 財政の悪化
producers /prəˈdjuːsərz/ 生産者
down by 80% /daʊn baɪ ˈeɪti pər sɛnt/ 80%減少
bargain sales /ˈbɑːrgɪn seɪlz/ 安売りセール
retail price /ˈriːteɪl praɪs/ 小売価格
profitability /ˌprɒfɪtəˈbɪləti/ 収益性
rapidly rising prices /ˈræpɪdli ˈraɪzɪŋ praɪsɪz/ 急激に上昇している価格
negative cycle /ˈnɛgətɪv ˈsaɪkəl/ 悪循環









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