英会話 feel English 25/1/7(火) meet up at
Please tell me the difference between “meet up at” and “meeting at”.
The phrases “meet up at” and “meeting at” are similar but differ in tone, formality, and context. Here’s a breakdown of their meanings and differences:
1. “Meet up at”
Tone: Informal and casual.
Meaning: Refers to casually getting together with someone at a specific location, often for social purposes.
Common Use: Typically used in conversational English or informal writing.
“Let’s meet up at the coffee shop around 3 PM.”
(Casual plan to gather at the coffee shop.)
“We’re meeting up at the park to play basketball.”
(An informal get-together at the park.)
2. “Meeting at”
Tone: Neutral; can be formal or informal depending on context.
Meaning: Refers to the act of gathering at a specific place, often used in both professional and casual settings.
Common Use: Frequently used in formal contexts like work or appointments but also suitable for everyday conversations.
意味 特定の場所に集まることを指し、仕事でもカジュアルな場でもよく使われる。
よく使われる: 仕事や約束などのフォーマルな場面でよく使われるが、日常会話にも適している。
“We are meeting at the office at 10 AM to discuss the project.”
(A planned professional gathering.)
“The group is meeting at the entrance to the museum.”
(Could be formal or informal depending on context.)
Key Differences
Aspect Meet up at Meeting at
Formality Informal Neutral or formal
Purpose Social or casual plans Any purpose, including formal gatherings
Tone Relaxed, friendly Neutral; can adapt to the context
Usage Spoken or informal writing Spoken, formal writing, or professional use
形式 非公式 中立またはフォーマル
目的 社交的またはカジュアルな計画 フォーマルな集まりを含むあらゆる目的
トーン リラックスしている、友好的 中立;文脈に合わせることができる
用法 話し言葉またはくだけた文章 話し言葉、正式な文章、または専門的な用法
Comparison in Context 文脈における比較
Informal Plan:
“Let’s meet up at the mall after school.”
Casual and friendly.
Formal or Neutral Plan:
“We’re meeting at the mall to discuss the event details.”
More structured and purposeful.
Use “meet up at” for casual or friendly get-togethers.
Use “meeting at” for professional contexts or when you want to sound more neutral or formal.
カジュアルでフレンドリーな集まりには 「meet up at 」を使う。
仕事上の文脈や、より中立的またはフォーマルな表現にしたい場合は 「meeting at 」を使いましょう。