基礎英語1 24/11/11(月) L126戦国時代の侍と話す

基礎英語1 24/11/11(月) L126戦国時代の侍と話す
It’s Monday.
How was your weekend?
Did you have fun? Now let’s start today’s lesson.

Okay. All better.
Thank you.
Hey you!
That’s my horse.
Sorry, she was injured.
We helped her.
Really? Thank you.
My pleasure. My dream is to become a vet.
That is a wonderful dream. I am ???. This is my land.
Takashi! That’s your ancestor.

What was your dream when you were a junior high school student?
My dream was to become a singer.
Cool! It came true.
Okay, that’s it for today.
Thanks for joining us. See you tomorrow.

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