基礎英語1 24/11/28(木) L139 知っていますよ
Hi, guys. I’m Honda. It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnett.
Let’s have lots of fun and improve our English.
Let’s get started.
-How was the last episode, everyone.
Gray said, “Thanks for having us, Luna.”
Luna said, “My pleasure. I don’t usually have guests on the moon.”
Gray said, “We can visit you from time to time.”
Now, let’s start today’s lesson.
L139 知っていますよ
-First let’s listen to the story and get the basic idea.
ミカは歴史の授業でも居眠りをしてしまいます。 斉藤先生が昼休みに、ミカを相談室に呼びました。
(Mika also dozes off in history class. Mr. Saito called Mika to the counseling room during lunch break.)
Mika, we need to talk.
I’m sorry. I shouldn’t sleep in class.
No, you shouldn’t. But it’s not that.
Oh, right! I need balance in my life. But I’m trying new things.
And I love history now. That’s good, right?
Mika. I know that Gray is an alien.
-Second listening. Next, find the answer to the question.
(Mika says, “I shouldn’t sleep during class.” How does Mika say this in English?)
Let’s listen to the story again, and remember Don’t look at your textbook.
Mika, we need to talk.
I’m sorry. I shouldn’t sleep in class.
No, you shouldn’t. But it’s not that.
Oh, right! I need balance in my life. But I’m trying new things.
And I love history now. That’s good, right?
Mika. I know that Gray is an alien.
-Now, let’s check the answer.
Q). ミカは、私は授業中、寝るべきではありません。を英語で何と言っていますか?
The answer is,
I shouldn’t sleep in class.
Good job!
(Has Saito-sensei finally found out about Gray’s secret?)
-Tell me more
We need to talk.
一見普通の文章ですが、アメリカ人の僕がこのフレーズを聞くと、相手はとても重要な話があると考えます。(At first glance, this is an ordinary sentence, but when I, as an American, hear this phrase, the other person thinks that we have something very important to talk about.)
もし相手が恋人で、We need to talk.と言われたら、え、別れ話かな?とドキドキします。
(If you are in love with someone and they say, “We need to talk,” you may think, “Oh, is this a breakup talk? I would be nervous.)
相手が友達で、We need to talk.と言われたら、秘密の告白や悩みの相談が来る予感がします。
(If the person is a friend and says, We need to talk…, I have a feeling that a secret confession or advice about a problem will come.)
相手が親で、 We need to talk.と言われたら、隠していた悪い点数のテストが見つかったのかもしれません。
(If the person is a parent and they say, “We need to talk,” it may be that they have found out about the test score you got that you were hiding.)
We need to talk.
(“We need to talk.” is a familiar phrase in dramas and movies. When you hear this phrase, pay attention to what happens next.)
-OK. Let’s listen to the story one more time.Mika,
-Today’s key point.
I know that Gray is an alien.
I know 私が知っていることは、Gray is an alien.グレイが宇宙人であることとなります。接続詞 that は省略できます。
1). I know that Hina doesn’t like running.
that の後が、 否定文となっています。
2). I know Sumika lives near the station.
3). Everybody knows that Mr. Kato is a good teacher.
主語が誰もがみんなという意味のeverybody となっている例です。Everybodyは単数として扱うので、動詞にsがついています。
Now repeat each sentence after us.
1). I know that Hina doesn’t like running.
2). I know Sumika lives near the station.
3). Everybody knows that Mr. Kato is a good teacher.
-Try repeating
1). たくさんの本を読むことが大事だということを私はわかっています。
I know that reading a lot of books is important.
2). 地球は太陽の周りを動いていると誰もが知っています。
Everybody knows that the Earth moves around the Sun.
-Say it! Let’s have a chat.
1). あなたの友達は地域のサッカーチームに入るためのテストを受けるそうです。友達はテストに受かるか心配そうです。
I really want to join the team, but…Don’t worry. I know you are a great soccer player.
今度はあなたがあなたがたくさん練習したことを私は知っています。と言いましょう 接続詞の that は省略してどうぞ
Yeah, that’s true. Thank you.
I know you practiced a lot
2). あなたの友達は明日 ピアノのコンクールに出るそうです。とても緊張している友達に、「あなたが良いピアノの演奏家であることを私は知っています。」と言いましょう。接続詞のthatは省略してどうぞ
I know you are a good piano player.
You think so? Thank you.
-Be a performer
Mika, we need to talk.
I’m sorry. I shouldn’t sleep in class.
No, you shouldn’t. But it’s not that.
Oh, right! I need balance in my life. But I’m trying new things.
And I love history now. That’s good, right?
Mika. I know that Gray is an alien.
Great work!
Mika. I know that Gray is an alien.
Okay! Let’s listen to the story one last time!
OK! That’s it for today.
Thanks for joining us. See you tomorrow!