基礎英語1 24/12/2(月) L141 だれにも言わないで!

基礎英語1 24/12/2(月) L141 だれにも言わないで!
Hi, guys. I’m Honda. It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnett.
Let’s have lots of fun and improve our English.
Let’s get started.
It’s Monday. Did you have a good weekend?
Ready to start the week?
Now, let’s start today’s lesson
-First Listening. First, let’s listen to the story and get the basic idea
(Mr. Saito reveals to Mika that he knows Gray is an alien.
Mika is upset, but tries to cover it up somehow.)

Gray! An alien. That’s funny.
Mika, I know the truth.
But how? Wait! The other day, in the storage room.
Yes, I was watching you.
Please, please don’t tell anyone. I’m begging you.
I won’t, Mika. Relax. But, can I talk to Gray?
Well, Okay.

-Second listening. Next, find the answer to the question.
Q). 斉藤先生は、誰と話したいと言っていますか?
(Who does Mr. Saito want to talk to?)

Let’s listen to the story again.
And remember, don’t look at your textbook.

Gray! An alien. That’s funny.
Mika, I know the truth.
But how? Wait! The other day, in the storage room.
Yes, I was watching you.
Please, please don’t tell anyone. I’m begging you.
I won’t, Mika. Relax. But, can I talk to Gray?
Well, Okay.

-Now, let’s check the answer.
Q). 斉藤先生は、誰と話したいと言っていますか?
Mr. Saito said, “But, can I talk to Gray?”
Good job.

グレイが? 宇宙人? 面白いですね。

(When the alarm went off in the baseball team’s warehouse, Gray rushed out to check it out in his alien form. )

-Tell me more.
the other day 先日、このあいだ。
基本的に、昨日、Yesterday、より前で、先週、Last week、より最近のことを表します。
I saw Mr. Honda at the station the other day.
Oh, nice. How was he?

-Okay, let’s listen to the story one more time.

Gray! An alien. That’s funny.
Mika, I know the truth.
But how? Wait! The other day, in the storage room.
Yes, I was watching you.
Please, please don’t tell anyone. I’m begging you.
I won’t, Mika. Relax. But, can I talk to Gray?
Well, Okay.

-Today’s Key Point
I was watching you.
〜していました。〜していたところです。という意味の文を作るには、主語 プラス was, were プラス 動詞のing形の形にします。この文の形を過去進行形と言います。過去進行形は、過去のある時点で行っていたことを表す文です。 それでは他の例文も見てみましょう。
1). I was taking a nap around 3. p.m.
take a nap は昼寝をするという意味です。
2). I was riding the bus then.
then は時がすでに話題に出てきた場合、その時にという意味で使う単語です。
3). Mari and I were practicing judo at this time yesterday.
主語が Mary and I と複数なので、be動詞はwereを使います。 at this time yesterday は昨日の今頃に。

-Now repeat each sentence after us.
1). I was taking a nap around 3. p.m.
2). I was riding the bus then.
3). Mari and I were practicing judo at this time yesterday

-Try repeating.
ここでは聞こえてきた英文を有練習をします。英文の後に少し間を空けるのでその間に頭の中でリハーサルしておいてください 。私がどうぞと言ったら声に出して言ってくださいね
1). 今朝の7時ごろ私は自転車に乗っていました。
I was riding my bike around 7 this morning.
2). 私たちは昨日の放課後、バレーボールをしていました。
We were playing volleyball after school yesterday.

-Say it. Let’s have a chat.
1). 昨日の夜、あなたの住んでいる町に大きな雷が落ちました。
There was a big thunderstorm last night.
Yeah. That was scary. I was doing my homework then.

Wow. I was taking a bath.
2). あなたは友達と昨日の晩にしていたことについて話しています。あなたのしていたことを言ってみましょう。
( ).
Oh, were you?

I was studying math.
などと、I was 動詞のingの形を使って言えましたか?

-Be a performer.
Step 1まずは今日のストーリーのリピート練習をしましょう。 ここでは私のきっかけは待ちません。

Gray! An alien. That’s funny.
Mika, I know the truth.
But how? Wait! The other day, in the storage room.
Yes, I was watching you.
Please, please don’t tell anyone. I’m begging you.
I won’t, Mika. Relax. But, can I talk to Gray?
Well, Okay.

Great work!
Mika, I know the truth.
But how? Wait! The other day, in the storage room.
Yes, I was watching you.

Mika, I know the truth.
But how? Wait! The other day, in the storage room.
Yes, I was watching you.

-Okay, let’s listen to the story one last time.
Gray! An alien. That’s funny.
Mika, I know the truth.
But how? Wait! The other day, in the storage room.
Yes, I was watching you.
Please, please don’t tell anyone. I’m begging you.
I won’t, Mika. Relax. But, can I talk to Gray?
Well, Okay.

I was shopping on the internet last night.
Yeah. Did you find anything good?
Not really.
I fell asleep on the sofa.

Okay. That’s it for today.
Thanks for joining us.
See you tomorrow.


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