基礎英語1 24/12/3(火)L142 斉藤先生、宇宙人のグレイと話す
Hi, guys. I’m Honda. It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnett.
Let’s have lots of fun and improve our English.
Let’s get started.
-How was the last episode, everyone.
Ms Saito found out that Gray is an alien.
Mika said to Ms Saito, “Please, please don’t tell anyone. I’m begging you.”
Ms Saito said, “I won’t, Mika. Relax. But, can I talk to Gray?”
Now, let’s start the lesson.
First, listening. First, let’s listen to the story and get the basic idea.
まずはストーリーを聞いて大まかに話の流れをつかみましょう。 テキストをお持ちの方はイラストを見ながら聞いてください。
ミカと斉藤先生はグレイに会うために野球部の倉庫に入ります。ロッカーのあたりに宇宙人の姿のグレイがいるようです。(Mika and Mr. Saito enter the baseball team’s storage room to meet Gray. It seems that Gray is in alien form around the locker.)
Gray, are you here?
Hi, Mika.
He ran into the locker. Don’t be afraid, Gray. Come out.
Oh, hello, Ms. Saito. I was wearing a costume when you came in.
It’s okay, Gray. She knows.
Yes, but don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.
-Second listening. Next, find the answer to the question.
Q). 斉藤先生に見られたグレイはどこに駆け込みましたか?
(Where did you run to when you saw Dr. Saito looking at Gray? )
Let’s listen to the story again.
And remember, don’t look at your textbook.
Gray, are you here?
Hi, Mika.
He ran into the locker. Don’t be afraid, Gray. Come out.
Oh, hello, Ms. Saito. I was wearing a costume when you came in.
It’s okay, Gray. She knows.
Yes, but don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.
-Now, let’s check the answer.
Q). 斉藤先生に見られたグレイはどこに駆け込みましたか?
Mika said to Ms Saito, “He ran into the locker.”
Good job!
Gray, are you here?
Hi, Mika.
He ran into the locker. Don’t be afraid, Gray. Come out.
Oh, hello, Ms. Saito. I was wearing a costume when you came in.
It’s okay, Gray. She knows.
Yes, but don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.
(Ms Saito, you say that Gray will keep it a secret that he is an alien. Is this true?)
(Tell us how Chris and Diana used their lockers when they were students.)
(In my high school, we did not have our own desks. Instead, each student had a locker in the hallway where they put all of their unused belongings. I often went to my friends’ lockers to talk with them between classes. I have never experienced this, but there were also people who put their love letters in the lockers when no one was around.)
私の学校では 先生の教室に生徒が行きました。授業の間が5分しかないから、すぐ移動しないとダメです。だから学校に来たら、まずロッカーにいて、授業に必要なものをチェックして、全部バグに詰めていました。
(At my school the students went to the teacher’s classroom. I only had 5 minutes between classes, so I had to move quickly. So when I arrived at school, the first thing I did was stay in my locker, check out what I needed for class, and pack everything in my bug.)
OK. Let’s listen to the story one more time.Gray,
Gray, are you here?
Hi, Mika.
He ran into the locker. Don’t be afraid, Gray. Come out.
Oh, hello, Ms. Saito. I was wearing a costume when you came in.
It’s okay, Gray. She knows.
Yes, but don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.
-Today’s Key Point
I was wearing a costume when you came in.
今日のキーセンテンスでは、私がコスチュームを着ていたのがいつなのかを、when you came in、あなたが入ってきたとき、という部分で表しています。それでは、他の例文も見てみましょう。
1). We were playing tennis when the rain started.
雨が降り始めた時点にしていたことを説明しています。主語が複数のweなので、 be動詞はwereを使っています。
2). I was taking a shower when you called me this morning.
3). My brother was still sleeping when I left home.
stillはまだ。 という意味で、眠っている状態がまだ続いていたことを表しています。
-Now repeat each sentence after us.
I was wearing a costume when you came in.
We were playing tennis when the rain started.
I was taking a shower when you called me this morning.
My brother was still sleeping when I left home.
-Try repeating.
1). 私が帰宅したとき、姉は運動をしていました。
My sister was exercising when I got home.
2). 私が教室に入ったとき、アキラは黒板をきれいにしていました。
Akira was cleaning the blackboard when I entered the classroom.
-Say it! Let’s have a chat.
1). お兄さんは妹とあなたに外から携帯電話に連絡しても全くつながらなかったと言っています。
(Your brother said he tried to contact his sister and you on your cell phone from outside, but it was completely disconnected.)
Why didn’t you answer your phone?
Sorry, I was practicing the piano when you called me.
You couldn’t hear your phone.
I was listening to music when you called me.
2). 家族の愛犬ロッキーの姿が見えません。
Where is Rocky?
He was playing in the yard when I saw him.
Oh, there he is.
-Be a performer
Step 1. まずは今日のストーリーのリピート練習をしましょう。ここでは私のきっかけは待ちませんクリス、ダイアナのすぐ後についてリピートしましょう。
Gray, are you here?
Hi, Mika.
He ran into the locker. Don’t be afraid, Gray. Come out.
Oh, hello, Ms. Saito. I was wearing a costume when you came in.
It’s okay, Gray. She knows.
Yes, but don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.
Great work!
Don’t be afraid,
Gray. Come out.
Oh, hello, Ms. Saito. I was wearing a costume when you came in.
今日は、みなさんは、グレイのパートを担当します。もう一度聞いて、グレイのセリフを確認しましょう。Don’t be afraid,
Gray. Come out.
Oh, hello, Ms. Saito. I was wearing a costume when you came in.
Oh, hello, Ms. Saito. I was wearing a costume when you came in.
では、本番です。Acting time!
Don’t be afraid, Gray. Come out.
OK! Let’s listen to the story one last time!
Gray, are you here?
Hi, Mika.
He ran into the locker. Don’t be afraid, Gray. Come out.
Oh, hello, Ms. Saito. I was wearing a costume when you came in.
It’s okay, Gray. She knows.
Yes, but don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.
Okay. That’s it for today.
Thanks for listening.
See you tomorrow.