基礎英語1 24/12/4(水)L143秘密は守ります

基礎英語1 24/12/4(水)L143秘密は守ります
Hi, guys. I’m Honda. It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnett.
Let’s have lots of fun and improve our English.
Let’s get started.
-How was the last episode, everyone.
Ms. Saito and Mika went into the storage room to talk to Gray.
Gray said, “Oh, hello, Ms. Saito. I was wearing a costume when you came in.”
Then Mika said, “It’s okay, Gray. She knows.” Now, let’s start today’s lesson.
L143. 秘密は守ります。
-First listening. First, let’s listen to the story and get the basic idea.
まずはストーリーを聞いて大まかに話の流れをつかみましょう。 テキストをお持ちの方はイラストを見ながら聞いてください。
I come in peace.
Yeah, he’s a really nice alien.
I’m just here for research.
Calm down. Your secret is safe. I was not lying when I said that.
That’s a relief.
That old locker, is that your ship?
Yes. Do you want to see inside?

-Next, find the answer to the question.
(In the second listening, let’s ask the following question.)
Do you say, Mr. Saito Mikawa, what kind of alien is Gray?
Q). ミカは斎藤先生にグレイはどのような宇宙人だと言っていますか?
Let’s listen to the story again.
And remember, don’t look at your textbook.

I come in peace.
Yeah, he’s a really nice alien.
I’m just here for research.
Calm down. Your secret is safe. I was not lying when I said that.
That’s a relief.
That old locker, is that your ship?
Yes. Do you want to see inside?

Now, let’s check the answer.
The question is,
Q). ミカは斎藤先生にグレイはどのような宇宙人だと言っていますか?
Mika said, “He’s a really nice alien.”
と言っていましたね。 Really nice は本当に優しいや、とても感じの良いなどの意味です。
Good job!

I come in peace.
Yeah, he’s a really nice alien.
I’m just here for research.
Calm down. Your secret is safe. I was not lying when I said that.
That’s a relief.
That old locker, is that your ship?
Yes. Do you want to see inside?

落ち着いて。あなたの秘密を守ります。 私がそう言ったのは嘘ではありません。

(It seems that Dr. Saito also knew that the old lockers in the baseball team’s storage room were spaceships. )
-Tell me more.
Calm down.
(It is used when a person is in a panic, angry, or fussing.
For example, a friend is panicking before an important test,)
I’m not ready.
I can’t do this. I’m not ready.
Calm down. Just relax. And try your best.
But if you say it to someone who is really angry, it could get even angrier, so just watch over them.

-Okay, let’s listen to the story one more time.
I come in peace.
Yeah, he’s a really nice alien.
I’m just here for research.
Calm down. Your secret is safe. I was not lying when I said that.
That’s a relief.
That old locker, is that your ship?
Yes. Do you want to see inside?

-Today’s key point.
今日の学習ポイントは、ある時点でそうしていたことを伝えようです。 そして今日のキーセンテンスはこちら。
I was not lying when I said that.
〜していませんでした。 や、〜しているところではありませんでした。
などの意味の過去進行形の否定文を作るには、 was や were の後に not を置きます。 それでは他の例文も見てみましょう。
I wasn’t talking to anyone then.
Wasn’t は was not の短縮形です。 否定文では anyone は誰もないないないという意味になります。 次です。
I wasn’t doing anything when you called me yesterday.
昨日あなたが私に電話をくれたとき、私は何もしていませんでした。 否定文では anything は何もという意味なので、 wasn’t doing anything で、 何もしていませんでしたという意味になります。 次です。
We weren’t practicing basketball after school yesterday.
私たちは昨日の放課後、バスケットボールの練習をしていませんでした。 話し言葉では、weren’tやwasn’tのような短縮形をよく使います。
-Now, repeat each sentence after us.
I was not lying when I said that.
I wasn’t talking to anyone then.
I wasn’t doing anything when you called me yesterday.
We weren’t practicing basketball after school yesterday. Nice!

-Try repeating.
No. 1) 私が窓の外を見たとき、雨は降っていませんでした。
It wasn’t raining when I looked out the window.
No.2) 私がジェインを見かけたとき、彼女はマコと昼ごはんを食べていませんでした。
Jane wasn’t having lunch with Mako when I saw her.
Jane wasn’t having lunch with Mako when I saw her.
-Say it! Let’s have a chat.
1). あなたはお姉さんと一緒に近くに住んでいるおじさんの家に行きました。
(You and your sister went to your uncle’s house who lives nearby.)
Hi. Oh, you’re wet.
It just started raining.
今度はあなたが私たちが家を出た時、雨は降っていませんでした。 と言いましょう。どうぞ。
Here, use these towels.
It wasn’t raining when we left home. と言えましたか?
2). あなたは昨日の夜のことについて友達と話しています。
(You are talking with a friend about last night.)
I was studying for today’s math test last night. How about you?
I wasn’t doing anything.
-We are performing.
Step 1
まずは今日のストーリーのリピート練習をしましょう。 ここでは私のきっかけは待ちません。 クリス、ダイアナのすぐ後についてリピートしましょう。
I come in peace.
Yeah, he’s a really nice alien.
I’m just here for research.
Calm down. Your secret is safe. I was not lying when I said that.
That’s a relief.
That old locker, is that your ship?
Yes. Do you want to see inside?

Great work!
Step 2
次にストーリーの一部を覚えて対話をしてみましょう。 最初に今日取り上げる箇所を聞きましょう。
I’m just here for research.
Calm down. Your secret is safe. I was not lying when I said that.
That’s a relief.
今日はみなさんは斉藤先生のパートを担当します。 もう一度聞いて斉藤先生のセリフを確認しましょう。
I’m just here for research.
Calm down. Your secret is safe. I was not lying when I said that.
That’s a relief.
では、斉藤先生のセリフをリピート練習しましょう。 感情を込めて言ってくださいね。
Calm down. Your secret is safe. I was not lying when I said that.
では、本番です。Acting time!
I’m just here for research.
( ).
That’s a relief.

-Okay, let’s listen to the story one last time.
I come in peace.
Yeah, he’s a really nice alien.
I’m just here for research.
Calm down. Your secret is safe. I was not lying when I said that.
That’s a relief.
That old locker, is that your ship?
Yes. Do you want to see inside?

It’s raining now.
Yeah, it wasn’t raining when I left home.
It started raining when I got here.

Okay, that’s it for today.
Thanks for joining us.
See you tomorrow.

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