基礎英語1 24/12/6(金)L145 復習 141-144
Hi, guys. I’m Honda. It’s English time.
Hey, this is Chris Nelson.
And I’m Diana Garnett.
Let’s have lots of fun and improve our English.
Let’s get started.
It’s Friday.
Let’s review this week’s lessons.
OK, are you ready?
Lesson 145
Listen and remember.
First, let’s listen to this week’s stories.
Q1). Did Gray run into the locker when Ms. Saito saw him in the storage room?
Q2). How does gray’s ship travel?
-Monday’s story.
Gray! An alien. That’s funny.
Mika, I know the truth.
But how? Wait! The other day, in the storage room.
Yes, I was watching you.
Please, please don’t tell anyone. I’m begging you.
I won’t, Mika. Relax. But, can I talk to Gray?
Well, Okay.
-Tuesday’s story.
Gray, are you here?
Hi, Mika.
He ran into the locker. Don’t be afraid, Gray. Come out.
Oh, hello, Ms. Saito. I was wearing a costume when you came in.
It’s okay, Gray. She knows.
Yes, but don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.
-Wednesday’s story
I come in peace.
Yeah, he’s a really nice alien.
I’m just here for research.
Calm down. Your secret is safe. I was not lying when I said that.
That’s a relief.
That old locker, is that your ship?
Yes. Do you want to see inside?
-Thursday’s story
Wow! In an apartment? In a locker?
Aah! Ms. Saito!
It’s okay, Takashi. She knows.
Oh, then, welcome to the ship.
It’s incredible. How does it work? Does it fly?
Not exactly. It warps, anywhere in space or time.
Time? Wait, were you traveling through time?
-Okay, let’s check the answers.
Question 1. 一つ目の質問は
Q1). Did Gray run into the locker when Ms. Saito saw him in the storage room?
The answer is…
Yes, he did.
He ran into the locker.
Qesiton 2. 二つ目の質問は
Q2). How does gray’s ship travel?でした。答えを英語でどうぞ
The answer is …
It warps.
木曜日のストーリーで斎藤先生に “Does it fly?” と宇宙船のことを尋ねられたグレイが “Not exactly, it warps. と答えていましたね。
-Mr. Honda’s corner.
I played tennis when I was young.
動詞は、playの過去形のplayedを使っています。 過去形を使うと過去の状況や習慣的に行ったことなどを表すことができます。この例文の場合、When I was young 私が若かった時にはテニスをしたと過去の習慣を表しています。
I was playing tennis when you called me.
という意味の文です。 これは was playingとなっていることから過去進行形の文です。過去進行形は過去のある時点にしていたことを表します。この例文の場合、話し相手が私に電話をくれた過去の時点にテニスをしていたことを伝えています。このように過去進行形を使うときには必ず過去のある時点のことを思い出しながら言っています。
-Key points of the week.
Let’s review the key points of this week.
The key sentence is…
I was watching you.
「〜していました。や、〜していたところです。」という意味の文を作るには主語プラス was, were プラス動詞のing形の形にします。この文の形を過去進行形と言います。過去進行形は過去のある時点で行っていたことを表す文です。
Repeat after me.
I was watching you.
We were playing volleyball after school yesterday.
Repeat after me.
The key sentence is…
I was wearing a costume when you came in.
過去進行形の文では、過去のある時点を示すために接続詞 when が使われることがあります。
Repeat after me.
I was wearing a costume when you came in.
My sister was exercising when I got home.
Repeat after me.
The key sentence is…
I was not lying when I said that.
「〜していませんでした。」や、「〜しているところではありませんでした。」などの意味の過去進行形の否定文を作るには、was や were の後にnotを置きます。
Repeat after me.
It wasn’t raining when I looked out the window.
Repeat after me.
The key sentence is…
Were you traveling through time?
「〜していましたか?」や、「〜しているところでしたか?」という意味の過去進行形の疑問文を作るには be動詞を文の最初に置きます。したがって was, were プラス 主語 プラス一般動詞のing形の形になります。
Repeat after me.
Were you traveling through time?
Was mom taking care of the garden when you got home?
Repeat after me.
Good job!
-Speak out!
今回のスピークアウトでは 過去のことについて会話をしてみましょう。
1). あなたは学校にいて、今は放課後です。友達に昼休みのことで話しかけられました。
友達に質問されたら、Sorry と言ってから図書室にいました。どう説明しましょう。
I was looking for you during lunch time.
Where were you?どうぞ。
I see.
Sorry, I was in the library. と言えましたか?
OK. Repeat after me.Sorry,
2). 次に友達に質問されたら、いいえ、読書をしていました。と答えましょう。
Were you doing your homework?どうぞ。
( ).
No, I was reading. と言えましたか?
Repeat after me.
No, I was reading.
3). 続けて、友達に質問されたら、「野球の雑誌を読んでいました。」と言いましょう。
What were you reading?
I was reading a baseball magazine.
Repeat after me.
I was looking for you during lunch time.
Where were you?
Sorry, I was in the library.
I see.
Were you doing your homework?
No, I was reading.
What were you reading?
I was reading a baseball magazine.
That’s it for today.
Great work, everyone!
Hope you had fun!
See you next week! Bye!