基礎英語2 24/12/24(火)W4-D2 Happy holidays!

基礎英語2 24/12/24(火)W4-D2 Happy holidays!
Hello, everyone.  I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
Hi, I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
We’re ready.
Are you?
Let’s go.
December  Week4 -Happy holidays! Day2
I find that idea very interesting.
-First Listen. Listen to the story carefully to find the answer.
(Ayumu and his friends talk with the food drive staff.)
Here is the question.
Q). フードドライブのスタッフの意見では、世界の人々に食料は十分に行き渡っていますか?
(In the opinion of the food drive staff, are people around the world getting enough food?)

as you may know /æz ju meɪ noʊ/ ご存じの通り
food insecurity /fuːd ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊrɪti/ 食料不安
collected /kəˈlɛktɪd/ 集められた
food drive /fuːd draɪv/ 食料寄付キャンペーン
senior citizens /ˈsiːnjər ˈsɪtɪzənz/ 高齢者
families with small children /ˈfæməliz wɪð smɔːl ˈtʃɪldrən/ 幼い子どもを持つ家族
support /səˈpɔːrt/ 支援、援助
makes sense /meɪks sɛns/ 理にかなっている
Children’s Cafeterias /ˈtʃɪldrənz ˌkæfəˈtɪriəz/ 子ども食堂
Cafeterias for Everyone /ˌkæfəˈtɪriəz fɔːr ˈɛvrɪwʌn/ みんなの食堂
serve /sɜːrv/ 提供する
free or low-cost meals /friː ɔːr loʊ-kɒst miːlz/ 無料または低価格の食事
community /kəˈmjuːnɪti/ 地域社会、コミュニティ
you don’t say /ju doʊnt seɪ/ 本当ですか(驚きを表す表現)
find something interesting /faɪnd ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ 何かを興味深いと思う
I’d like to hear more /aɪd laɪk tu hɪər mɔːr/ もっと詳しく聞きたいです

-Useful English
As you may know, ご存じかと思いますが、
food insecurity 食料不安
receive … を受け取る
senior citizen 高齢者
That makes sense. なるほど。
Children’s Cafeteria 子ども食堂
Cafeteria for Everyone みんなの食堂
You don’t say! そうなんですか!

-Second Listen. Now listen to the story again. Then, try to answer the question in English.
Q). Who often needs support from the food drive?

-Tips for Communication

A great way to show your interest is by using phrases, like “I’d like to hear more.” or, “Please tell me more.”

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