基礎英語2 24/12/6(金)W1-D5ミゲルの悩み
Hello, everyone. I’m Matsumoto Shigeru.
Hi, I’m Anya.
And I’m Michael.
We’re ready.
Are you?
Let’s go.
December Week1 -ミゲルの悩み Day 5
-This week’s review. This week’s stories.
Listen to the stories from this week. Then, try to answer the question in English.
Q). Why did Miguel want advice?
-Okay, let’s check the answer.
The question was
Why did Miguel want advice?
The answer is …
Because he feels like he’s not as good as everyone else.
Because he wonders if he should stay in the band or not.
-This Week’s Targets
Day 1
Here’s another sentence.
She can run the fastest of all her classmates.
Day 2
Here’s another sentence.
I want to be better than any other tennis player in my school.
Day 3
Here’s another sentence.
I wonder if I should stay in the club or not.
Day 4
Here’s another sentence.
If I were you, I would keep studying.
Listen and repeat.
-Speaking Out –
腕試しのコーナーです。 今週学んだ英文を参考にして、 英語で言ってみましょう。
1 体育の授業で、 垂直跳びの話をしています。 アニャに言いましょう。 「わたしは、すべてのクラスメートの中でいちばん高く跳べます。」
2 マイケルに言いましょう。 「わたしは、 世界中のほかのどの歌手よりもうまくなりたいのです。」
I believe in you.
3 アニャに相談しましょう。 「わたしは、 留学すべきかなぁ。」
Yeah! Go for it!
4 クッキーがうまく焼けなくて落ち込んでいるマイケルにアドバイスをしましょう。 「もしわたしがあなたなら、 成功するまでクッキーを焼き続けるでしょう。 あきらめないで!」
Yeah, you’re right.
God job!
(1 We are talking about vertical jumps in physical education class. Say to Anja: “I can jump the highest among all my classmates. “I can jump the highest of all my classmates.”
2 Say to Michael: “I want to be better than all the other singers in the world. “I want to be better than all the other singers in the world.
3 Talk to Anja. “I wonder if I should study abroad.”
4 Give advice to Michael who is depressed because he can’t bake cookies well. If I were you, I would keep baking cookies until you succeed. Don’t give up!)