基礎英語2 25/1/10(金) 七草粥
七草がゆ (Nanakusa-gayu) is a traditional Japanese rice porridge eaten on January 7th as part of a custom to celebrate the Festival of Seven Herbs (七草の節句, Nanakusa no Sekku). It is made with seven specific spring herbs and cooked with rice in a simple broth. Here’s an explanation in English:
Nanakusa-gayu: Seven-Herb Rice Porridge
Nanakusa-gayu is a light and nutritious rice porridge traditionally eaten in Japan on the morning of January 7th. It is made by boiling rice with seven selected herbs, which are believed to promote health and ward off illnesses. These herbs are known as the “seven spring herbs” (春の七草, Haru no Nanakusa) and include:
Seri (Water dropwort)
Nazuna (Shepherd’s purse)
Gogyo (Cudweed)
Hakobe (Chickweed)
Hotokenoza (Nipplewort or Henbit)
Suzuna (Turnip leaves)
Suzushiro (Radish leaves)
The custom has roots in ancient Chinese traditions and was introduced to Japan during the Heian Period (794–1185). It is thought to help cleanse the body after the indulgences of New Year festivities and provide a nutritional boost at the start of the year.
Eating Nanakusa-gayu is both a culinary and cultural tradition that connects people to the seasons and promotes well-being. The porridge is mild in flavor and often seasoned with a pinch of salt.
traditional /trəˈdɪʃənl/ 伝統的な
rice porridge /raɪs ˈpɒrɪdʒ/ お粥
eaten /ˈiːtn/ 食べられる
January 7th /ˈdʒænjuəri ˈsɛvənθ/ 1月7日
custom /ˈkʌstəm/ 習慣、風習
celebrate /ˈsɛlɪbreɪt/ 祝う
Festival of Seven Herbs /ˈfɛstɪvl əv ˈsɛvən hɜːbz/ 七草の節句
seven spring herbs /ˈsɛvən sprɪŋ hɜːbz/ 春の七草
promote /prəˈməʊt/ 促進する
health /hɛlθ/ 健康
ward off /wɔːd ɒf/ 追い払う、防ぐ
illnesses /ˈɪlnəsɪz/ 病気
ancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/ 古代の
Chinese traditions /ˈʧaɪniːz trəˈdɪʃənz/ 中国の伝統
Heian Period /ˈheɪæn ˈpɪərɪəd/ 平安時代
indulgences /ɪnˈdʌlʤənsɪz/ 享楽
nutritional boost /njuːˈtrɪʃənl buːst/ 栄養の強化
seasonal foods /ˈsiːzənl fuːdz/ 季節の食べ物
mild /maɪld/ 優しい、穏やかな
seasoned /ˈsiːznd/ 味付けされた
pinch of salt /pɪnʧ əv sɒlt/ 塩ひとつまみ
Seri /ˈsɛri/ セリ
Nazuna /ˈnæzʊnə/ ナズナ
Gogyo /ˈɡoʊɡjoʊ/ ゴギョウ
Hakobe /ˈhækɒbeɪ/ ハコベ
Hotokenoza /ˈhɒtəkeɪˌnoʊzə/ ホトケノザ
Suzuna /ˈsuːzuːnə/ スズナ
Suzushiro /ˈsuːzuːʃɪroʊ/ スズシロ