ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/12/13(金)関連記事2- “塩水で分解”プラスチック開発

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/12/13(金)関連記事2- “塩水で分解”プラスチック開発
Research team develops plastic that breaks down in seawater

TOKYO (Kyodo) — An international team of researchers has developed a type of plastic that can break down in seawater in a bid to decrease environmental pollution and the accumulation of plastics in oceans, it said in Friday’s edition of the U.S. academic journal Science.
東京(共同) — 環境汚染や海洋へのプラスチックの蓄積を減らすため、国際的な研究チームが海水中で分解するプラスチックを開発したと、米科学誌サイエンス(金曜版)が発表した。

The material called “supramolecular” plastic has similar tensile strength and can also be processed like petroleum-based plastics, according to the research team including members from the national science research institute Riken and the University of Tokyo.
The new plastic is made of monomers used in food additives and those created in organic materials. Mixing the agents in water results in a separation into two distinct layers, one of which can be dehydrated to yield the environment-friendly substance, according to Takuzo Aida, a group director of the institute’s Center for Emergent Matter Science.
Salt water causes the material to quickly dissociate into the former monomers and further disintegrate due to bacteria within the ocean or soil.
The material, which is also recyclable and nonflammable, is expected to be utilized in parts for precision machinery and architectural adhesives, with further applications possible if it is made water-repellent, the research team said.
Much of the plastic used for packaging and other purposes is believed to be accumulating in the world’s oceans, as it does not disintegrate naturally after being thrown away as trash.

research team /rɪˈsɜːrtʃ tiːm/ 研究チーム
develop /dɪˈvɛləp/ 開発する
plastic /ˈplæstɪk/ プラスチック
break down /breɪk daʊn/ 分解する
seawater /ˈsiːˌwɔːtər/ 海水
environmental pollution /ɪnˌvaɪərənˈmɛntl pəˈluːʃən/ 環境汚染
accumulation /əˌkjuːmjəˈleɪʃən/ 蓄積
supramolecular /ˌsuːprəmoʊˈlɛkjələr/ 超分子的な
tensile strength /ˈtɛnsaɪl strɛŋθ/ 引っ張り強度
petroleum-based plastics /pəˈtroʊliəm beɪst ˈplæstɪks/ 石油由来のプラスチック
monomers /ˈmɑːnəmərz/ モノマー
food additives /fuːd ˈædɪtɪvz/ 食品添加物
organic materials /ɔːrˈɡænɪk məˈtɪriəlz/ 有機物質
dehydrate /diːˈhaɪdreɪt/ 脱水する
environment-friendly /ɪnˌvaɪərənˈmɛnt ˈfrɛndli/ 環境に優しい
salt water /sɔːlt ˈwɔːtər/ 塩水
dissociate /dɪˈsoʊʃieɪt/ 分解する
bacteria /bækˈtɪəriə/ 細菌
recyclable /ˌriːˈsaɪkləbl/ リサイクル可能な
nonflammable /ˌnɒnˈflæməbl/ 不燃性の
precision machinery /prɪˈsɪʒən məˈʃiːnəri/ 精密機械
architectural adhesives /ˌɑːrkɪˈtɛktʃərəl ædˈhiːsɪvz/ 建築用接着剤
water-repellent /ˈwɔːtər rɪˈpɛlənt/ 撥水性の
packaging /ˈpækɪdʒɪŋ/ 包装
disintegrate /dɪsˈɪntɪˌɡreɪt/ 分解する
trash /træʃ/ ゴミ


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