ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/10/29(火)関連記事-大山のぶ代さん死去
ドラえもんの声優、大山のぶ代さん死去 90歳
Oyama Nobuyo, the voice of Doraemon, dies at 90
ドラえもんの声優、大山のぶ代さん死去 90歳
Friday, Oct. 11, 18:41
Japanese voice actor Oyama Nobuyo, who was the original voice of the cat robot Doraemon in a long-running anime series, has died. She was 90 years old.
Her agency says Oyama was in and out of the hospital since the start of the year, and died of old age on September 29 at a hospital in Tokyo.
A Tokyo native, Oyama began her career as an actor in an NHK drama in 1956.
She also began working as a voice actor. She was the voice of Doraemon for 26 years, from the hit series start on a commercial broadcaster in 1979.
Her distinctive voice helped make the cat-shaped robot a popular character both at home and abroad.
She wrote in one of her books that she turned down every offer for voice acting while playing Doraemon.
Her husband disclosed in 2015 that she had developed dementia and had been receiving nursing care since suffering a stroke in 2008, three years after stepping away from her role as the beloved feline from the future.
voice actor vɔɪs ˈæktər 声優
original əˈrɪdʒɪnəl オリジナル、原作の
cat robot kæt ˈroʊˌbɑt 猫型ロボット
long-running lɔːŋ ˈrʌnɪŋ 長期にわたる
anime series ˈænɪmeɪ ˈsɪriz アニメシリーズ
died daɪd 亡くなった
agency ˈeɪʤənsi 事務所
in and out ɪn ənd aʊt 出たり入ったり
old age oʊld eɪdʒ 老衰
Tokyo native ˈtoʊkioʊ ˈneɪtɪv 東京出身
NHK drama ɛn eɪʧ keɪ ˈdrɑmə NHKドラマ
commercial broadcaster kəˈmɜrʃəl ˈbrɔdkæstər 商業放送局
distinctive dɪˈstɪŋktɪv 独特の
both at home and abroad boʊθ æt hoʊm ənd əˈbrɔd 国内外
turned down tɜːrnd daʊn 断った
developed dementia dɪˈvɛləpt dɪˈmɛnʃə 認知症を発症
nursing care ˈnɜrsɪŋ kɛr 介護
suffered a stroke ˈsʌfərd ə stroʊk 脳卒中を患った
stepping away ˈstɛpɪŋ əˈweɪ 引退
beloved bɪˈlʌvɪd 愛される
feline ˈfiːˌlaɪn 猫のような
from the future frʌm ðə ˈfjuːʧər 未来から