オスプレイに関連して、widow maker” 「ウィドウ・メーカー 」とは

ウィドウ・メーカー 男性の命を奪い寡婦(widow)をつくるほど危険なもの、という意味で、様々な分野で使われる。

The nickname “widow maker” for the Osprey aircraft stems from its history of accidents, particularly during its early development and operational years. While the V-22 Osprey, a tiltrotor aircraft used by the U.S. military, has become more reliable over time, the moniker reflects the concerns about its safety record and the tragic loss of life associated with it.

Key Reasons Behind the Nickname:
Early Accidents During Development:

In the 1990s, several high-profile crashes occurred during the testing phase of the Osprey, leading to significant fatalities. These accidents raised concerns about the aircraft’s design, reliability, and safety protocols.
Between 1991 and 2000, there were four crashes that resulted in the deaths of 30 people, primarily during testing and training missions.
Complex Design:

The Osprey’s innovative tiltrotor design, which allows it to take off and land like a helicopter and fly like an airplane, was groundbreaking. However, it also introduced engineering and operational complexities that contributed to accidents.
Issues such as vortex ring states (a dangerous aerodynamic phenomenon) and challenges in transitioning between helicopter and airplane modes were initially difficult to address.
Fatal Crashes in Operations:

Even after entering active service, the Osprey experienced incidents, some fatal, which reinforced its reputation as being risky.
For example, a 2017 crash off the coast of Australia and a 2022 crash in California resulted in multiple fatalities.
Emotional Impact:

Each crash led to the loss of lives, leaving behind grieving families and earning the aircraft the grim nickname as it was perceived to “make widows.”
The Current Situation:
Over the years, the Osprey has undergone significant design and operational improvements, making it far safer than during its early days. It is now an essential component of military operations, valued for its versatility and range. However, the lingering stigma from its early history means the nickname persists in some circles, particularly among critics or those affected by its past tragedies.

nickname ˈnɪkˌneɪm あだ名
widow maker ˈwɪdoʊ ˈmeɪkər 「未亡人製造機」(事故が多い乗り物などの比喩的表現)
Osprey ˈɒspri オスプレイ(米軍のティルトローター機)
aircraft ˈerˌkræft 航空機
accidents ˈæksɪdənts 事故
development dɪˈvɛləpmənt 開発
operational ˌɑːpəˈreɪʃənl 操業の、運用の
tiltrotor ˈtɪltˌroʊtər ティルトローター(ヘリコプターと飛行機を兼ね備えた構造)
moniker ˈmɑːnɪkər ニックネーム、あだ名
safety record ˈseɪfti ˈrɛkərd 安全記録
tragic ˈtrædʒɪk 悲劇的な
fatalities fəˈtælɪtiz 死亡者数
reliability rɪˌlaɪəˈbɪləti 信頼性
testing phase ˈtɛstɪŋ feɪz 試験段階
operational complexities ˌɑːpəˈreɪʃənl kəmˈplɛksɪtiz 運用の複雑性
vortex ring state ˈvɔːrtɛks rɪŋ steɪt 渦輪状態(航空現象)
transitioning trænsˈɪʃənɪŋ 移行する
fatalities fəˈtælɪtiz 死亡者
incidents ˈɪnsɪdənts 出来事、事故
grieving families ˈɡriːvɪŋ ˈfæmɪliz 悲しみに暮れる家族
grim nickname ˈɡrɪm ˈnɪkˌneɪm 悲惨なあだ名
versatility ˌvɜːrsəˈtɪləti 多用途性
lingering stigma ˈlɪŋɡərɪŋ ˈstɪɡmə 根強い汚名
past tragedies pæst ˈtrædʒədiz 過去の悲劇
military operations ˈmɪləˌteri ˌɑːpəˈreɪʃənz 軍事作戦







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