シリア首相 政権を引き渡す用意がある
Syrian PM: Ready to hand over power
There have been no reports of major unrest in Syria, despite the fall of President Bashar al-Assad’s government on Sunday.
Many Syrian refugees who now reside in neighboring Lebanon and other nations are beginning to head back to their home country.
Against this backdrop, Syrian Prime Minister Mohammad Ghazi Jalali on Monday expressed readiness to seek a quick transition of power.
But the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham group, or HTS, that led the uprising against the government is designated as a terrorist organization by the United Nations and the United States, so it remains to be seen whether the transition will be peaceful.
The fall of the Assad regime, which spanned two generations and more than 50 years, came after anti-government forces took control of Syria’s capital, Damascus, on Sunday.
Many Syrians, in and outside the country, have embraced the collapse of the Assad government. No major unrest was reported on Monday.
The long years of internal conflict had forced 6.8 million Syrians to flee the country, and many of the displaced are opting to return home.
Prime Minister Jalali responded to a TV interview on Monday, and noted that the Syrian government is functioning, and that most ministers are doing their work from their offices.
He pledged to do his utmost to see that the transitional phase is quick and smooth.
He disclosed he is coordinating discussions with the leaders of the anti-government forces.
HTS had taken control of the country’s capital Damascus after storming the presidential palace. Assad has reportedly fled to Moscow with his family.
HTS leader Abu Mohammed al-Golani delivered a speech at a mosque in Damascus.
Golani said it is a turning point for the region. He noted that in just 11 days Syria was liberated from its north to its south, and from its east to its west.
He stated, “We have witnessed with our own eyes how 13 years of suffering are being healed through this great victory.”
Golani also called for national unity to ensure an orderly transition.
But there are concerns over the formation of a new government. The UN special envoy for Syria said, “The challenges ahead remain immense.” Observers wonder whether a new government will be recognized by the international community.
Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan says his country will continue to work with Syria’s future administration. Fidan spoke at a news conference in Qatar on Sunday.
Fidan said, “Syria has reached a stage where the Syrian people will shape the future of their own country.” He added that millions of displaced Syrians can now return home. He also said, “It is time to unite and reconstruct the country.”
The Turkish government says Defense Minister Yasar Guler talked with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin over the phone on Sunday to discuss the latest developments in Syria.
Turkey is home to a large population of Syrian refugees. On Sunday, many of them celebrated in streets across the country, including at a square in Istanbul.
Iran says it will “spare no effort” to help establish security and stability in Syria. The country was a longtime supporter of Assad’s government.
The Iranian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Sunday that determining Syria’s fate and future is solely the responsibility of the Syrian people. It called for a prompt halt to military conflicts and the initiation of national dialogue to establish an inclusive government representing all Syrians.
US President Joe Biden held a news conference on Sunday. He said the regime had brutalized, tortured and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
He also said, “It’s a moment of historic opportunity for the long suffering people of Syria to build a better future for their proud country. It’s also a moment of risk and uncertainty.”
He added that the US will work with partners and stakeholders to help Syrians seize an opportunity to manage the risk.
Japan’s top government spokesperson says the Japanese government hopes to see a prompt end to the violence in Syria, and for all Syrians to be able to share basic human rights and enjoy freedom and prosperity.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi Yoshimasa noted that Japan has been deeply concerned about Syria’s situation, where a large number of casualties, including civilians, have been reported. He added that it is also concerned about a further deterioration of the humanitarian situation.
Hayashi expressed hope that the current developments will lead to an improvement of this situation.
Syrian PM /ˈsɪriən ˈpiːˈɛm/ シリア首相
unrest /ʌnˈrɛst/ 不安、動乱
refugees /ˌrɛfjuˈdʒiːz/ 難民
transition of power /trænˈzɪʃən əv ˈpaʊər/ 権力移譲
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) /ˌhɑːˈjɑːt tæˈriːr æl ˈʃɑːm/ ハヤト・タハリール・アル=シャーム(HTS)
terrorist organization /ˈtɛrərɪst ˌɔːrɡənɪˈzeɪʃən/ テロ組織
anti-government forces /ˌænti ˈɡʌvərnmənt ˈfɔːrsɪz/ 反政府勢力
transitional phase /trænˈzɪʃənəl ˈfeɪz/ 移行期
national unity /ˈnæʃənəl ˈjuːnɪti/ 国家の統一
reconstruction /ˌriːkənˈstrʌkʃən/ 再建
displaced Syrians /dɪsˈpleɪst ˈsɪriənz/ 避難民となったシリア人
inclusive government /ɪnˈkluːsɪv ˈɡʌvərnmənt/ 包括的政府
brutalized /ˈbruːtəlaɪzd/ 虐待された
innocent people /ˈɪnəsənt ˈpiːpəl/ 罪のない人々
humanitarian situation /hjuːˌmænɪˈtɛəriən ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃən/ 人道的状況
seize an opportunity /siːz æn ˌɒpərˈtuːnɪti/ 機会をつかむ
Iranian Foreign Ministry /ɪˈreɪniən ˈfɔːrɪn ˈmɪnɪstri/ イラン外務省
casualties /ˈkæʒuəltiz/ 犠牲者
inclusive government /ɪnˈkluːsɪv ˈɡʌvərnmənt/ 包括的政府
national dialogue /ˈnæʃənəl ˈdaɪəlɔːɡ/ 国家対話
Abu Mohammed al-Golani /ˈæbuː moʊˈhæmɪd æl ɡoʊˈlæni/ アブ・モハメド・アル=ゴラニ
Oslo /ˈɒzloʊ/ オスロ(ノルウェーの首都)
Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi Yoshimasa /ʧiːf ˈkæbɪnət ˈsɛkrəˌtɛri ˌhaɪəˈʃiː ˌjoʊʃɪˈmɑːsə/ 林義正内閣官房長官