Widow of Japanese ‘Don Juan’ found not guilty of his murder
A Japanese court has handed down a not-guilty verdict to a 28-year-old woman who was charged with the murder of her wealthy elderly husband six years ago.
The Wakayama District Court in western Japan handed the ruling on the widow, Sudo Saki, on Thursday.
Sudo was accused of killing 77-year-old company president Nozaki Kosuke by getting him to ingest stimulants at his home in Tanabe City in May 2018. He died of acute stimulant intoxication. Nozaki was known for likening himself to the fictional Spanish womanizer Don Juan.
The focal issues in the trial that began in September were whether Nozaki was murdered and, if he was, whether Sudo was the perpetrator.
Prosecutors argued that Sudo had a motive to kill him, as she would obtain his inheritance and she was the only person who would be able to get him to ingest the stimulants. They had demanded a life sentence.
Sudo denied killing Nozaki nor getting him to take the stimulants.
In handing down the ruling, the presiding judge said it was too much to presume that Sudo had planned to kill Nozaki based on the search history of her mobile phone that included the words “stimulants” and “perfect crime.”
The judge said it cannot be ruled out that Nozaki overdosed by mistake, and that there remained reasonable doubt to conclude that the defendant killed him.
widow ˈwɪdəʊ 未亡人、寡婦
not guilty nɒt ˈɡɪlti 無罪
murder ˈmɜːrdər 殺人
court kɔːrt 裁判所
handed down ˈhændɪd daʊn (判決を)言い渡した
verdict ˈvɜːrdɪkt 判決、評決
charged with tʃɑːrdʒd wɪð ~で告発された
wealthy ˈwɛlθi 裕福な
elderly ˈɛldərli 高齢の
ruling ˈruːlɪŋ 判決、裁定
accused əˈkjuːzd 告発された人、被告
ingest ɪnˈdʒɛst 摂取する
stimulants ˈstɪmjʊlənts 興奮剤、覚醒剤
acute stimulant intoxication əˈkjuːt ˈstɪmjʊlənt ɪnˌtɒksɪˈkeɪʃn 急性興奮剤中毒
likening ˈlaɪkənɪŋ ~になぞらえる
focal ˈfoʊkl 焦点の
perpetrator ˈpɜːrpɪtreɪtər 加害者、犯人
prosecutors ˈprɒsɪˌkjuːtərz 検察官
motive ˈmoʊtɪv 動機
inheritance ɪnˈherɪtəns 遺産、相続財産
life sentence laɪf ˈsɛntəns 終身刑
denied dɪˈnaɪd 否定した
presiding judge prɪˈzaɪdɪŋ dʒʌdʒ 裁判長
presume prɪˈzjuːm 推定する
search history sɜːrtʃ ˈhɪstəri 検索履歴
perfect crime ˈpɜːrfɪkt kraɪm 完全犯罪
overdosed ˈoʊvərdoʊst 過剰摂取した
reasonable doubt ˈriːzənəbl daʊt 合理的な疑い
defendant dɪˈfɛndənt 被告
判決を言い渡すにあたって裁判長は、須藤の携帯電話の検索履歴に 「覚せい剤 」や 「完全犯罪 」という言葉が含まれていたことから、須藤が野崎の殺害を計画していたと推定するのは無理があると述べた。