US Marine Corps relocation from Okinawa starts
Japan’s defense minister has briefed the mayor of Nago City in Okinawa Prefecture on the start of the relocation of US Marines based in the prefecture to Guam as part of the government’s effort to alleviate Okinawa’s burden of hosting US bases.
While on a visit to Nago City, Defense Minister Nakatani Gen said about 100 members of a logistical support unit have begun to move to Guam.
He said the move is highly important, and that the government will continue to work with its US counterpart.
In 2006, the Japanese and US governments agreed to the transfer of more than 4,000 Marine Corps members and their families to Guam.
The Japanese government says the relocation is happening in phases.
Nago Mayor Toguchi Taketoyo asked Nakatani to address citizens’ concerns about the construction of a US air base in the city’s Henoko district which will serve as the new location of the US Marine Corps Futenma Air Station.
The troop transfer is part of a larger plan to relocate about 9,000 Marine Corps members from Okinawa to Guam and the US state of Hawaii.
The relocation is expected to cost 8.6 billion dollars, of which Japan will pay up to 2.8 billion dollars of the cost.
Headquarters, barracks and a training site, which will also be used by Japan’s Self-Defense Forces, are being built in Guam.
relocation /ˌriːləˈkeɪʃən/ 移転
Okinawa /ˌoʊkɪˈnɔːwə/ 沖縄
prefecture /ˈpriːfɛktʃər/ 県
alleviate /əˈliːviˌeɪt/ 軽減する、緩和する
burden /ˈbɜːrdən/ 負担
logistical support /ləʊˈdʒɪstɪkəl səˈpɔːrt/ 兵站支援
counterpart /ˈkaʊntərˌpɑːrt/ 相手国
transfer /ˈtrænsfər/ 移転
Marine Corps member /məˈriːn kɔːr ps ˈmɛmbər/ 海兵隊隊員
phases /feɪzəz/ 段階
construct /kənˈstrʌkt/ 建設する
air base /ɛər beɪs/ 空軍基地
Henoko district /ˌhɛnəˈkoʊ dɪˈstrɪkt/ 名護市辺野古地区
serve as /sərv æz/ 機能する、役割を果たす
troop transfer /truːp ˈtrænsfər/ 部隊の移駐
counterpart /ˈkaʊntərˌpɑːrt/ 相手国
Hawaii /həˈwaɪi/ ハワイ
relocation /ˌriːləˈkeɪʃən/ 移転
cost /kɒst/ 費用
headquarters /ˈhɛdkwɔːrtərz/ 本部
barracks /ˈbærəks/ 兵舎
training site /ˈtreɪnɪŋ saɪt/ 訓練場
Self-Defense Forces /sɛlf dɪˈfens fɔːsɪz/ 自衛隊