
Greater Tokyo new condo prices drop in November

Greater Tokyo new condominium prices fell in November on a slump in the number of high-end luxury units added to the market.

The Real Estate Economic Institute says the average for just-built apartments put on the market in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama and Chiba prefectures declined 3.2 percent from a year earlier to 79.8 million yen, or about 500,000 dollars, last month. Prices hit a record high for the April to September period this year.
The research firm reported that although the added supply of new luxury condominiums worth 300 million yen or more in Tokyo’s 23 wards fell, an increase in construction costs is expected to keep prices high going forward.
Total units added to the market in the greater Tokyo area in November fell 18.7 percent from a year earlier to 2,231. The figure topped 2,000 for the first time in eight months.
The institute predicts about 25,000 new units will be added to the market next year. But the researcher also said prices are likely to rise amid expectations for a continued increase in construction costs.

Greater Tokyo /ˈɡreɪ.tər ˈtoʊ.kioʊ/ 首都圏
new condominium /njuː ˌkɒn.dəˈmɪn.i.əm/ 新築マンション
prices /ˈpraɪ.sɪz/ 価格
drop /drɒp/ 下落する
November /noʊˈvɛm.bər/ 11月
slump /slʌmp/ 落ち込み
high-end /ˈhaɪ ˌɛnd/ 高級
luxury units /ˈlʌk.ʃɚ.i ˈjuː.nɪts/ 高級ユニット
market /ˈmɑːr.kɪt/ 市場
Real Estate Economic Institute /ˈriː.əl ɪˈsteɪt ˌiː.kəˈnɒm.ɪk ˈɪn.stɪˌtjuːt/ 不動産経済研究所
average /ˈæv.ər.ɪdʒ/ 平均
just-built apartments /ˈdʒʌst ˌbɪlt əˈpɑːrt.mənts/ 新築アパート
Kanagawa /ˌkæn.əˈɡɑː.wə/ 神奈川
Saitama /ˌsaɪˈtɑː.mə/ 埼玉
Chiba /ˈtʃiː.bə/ 千葉
declined /dɪˈklaɪnd/ 減少した
record high /ˈrek.ərd haɪ/ 過去最高
April to September period /ˈeɪ.prəl tə sɛpˈtɛmbər ˈpɪr.i.əd/ 4月から9月の期間
research firm /ˈriː.sɜːrtʃ ˈfɜːrm/ 調査会社
luxury condominiums /ˈlʌk.ʃɚ.i ˌkɒn.dəˈmɪn.i.əmz/ 高級マンション
construction costs /kənˈstrʌk.ʃən kɒsts/ 建設費
total units /ˈtoʊ.təl ˈjuː.nɪts/ 総ユニット数
greater Tokyo area /ˈɡreɪ.tər ˈtoʊ.kioʊ ˈeə.ri.ə/ 首都圏エリア
topped /tɒpt/ 超えた
researcher /ˈriː.sɜːrtʃər/ 研究者
rise /raɪz/ 上昇
expectations /ˌɛk.spɛkˈteɪ.ʃənz/ 期待


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