NHK英語ニュース24/12/25:報告書 トランプ大統領の関税発動で世界のGDPが0.3%押し下げられる可能性

NHK英語ニュース24/12/25:報告書 トランプ大統領の関税発動で世界のGDPが0.3%押し下げられる可能性
報告書 トランプ大統領の関税発動で世界のGDPが0.3%押し下げられる可能性
Report: Trump’s tariffs could push down global GDP by 0.3 percent

The Japan External Trade Organization, or JETRO, says it is likely that global GDP will be pushed down by 0.3 percent, if US President-elect Donald Trump goes ahead with his plan to levy tariffs on Mexico, Canada and China.

Trump has announced that he will impose 25 percent tariffs on imports from Mexico and Canada, after he takes office in January, if those countries do not stop illegal immigrants and drugs from entering the United States. He has also said that he plans to slap an additional 10 percent levy on goods from China.
Isono Ikumo, a deputy chief researcher at JETRO’s Institute of Developing Economies, estimates that the GDP could drop by 3.8 percent in Mexico, 1.2 percent in Canada and 0.3 percent in China, as the tariff hikes could cause exports from the automobile, food-processing, electronics and electric industries to decrease.
He projects that Japan’s GDP could increase by 0.2 percent because the country’s auto-related exports to the US will likely grow in response to the measures.
Isono notes that Trump’s tariffs could affect Japanese companies operating in Canada and Mexico. He also indicates that his outlook for the global economy is bleak.

report /rɪˈpɔːrt/ 報告、レポート
tariffs /ˈtærɪfs/ 関税
push down /pʊʃ daʊn/ 押し下げる
global GDP /ˈɡloʊbəl ˌʤiːdiːˈpiː/ 世界の国内総生産(GDP)
percent /pərˈsɛnt/ パーセント
Japan External Trade Organization /ʤəˈpæn ɛkˈstɜːrnl treɪd ˌɔːrɡənəˈzeɪʃən/ 日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)
likely /ˈlaɪkli/ 可能性が高い
President-elect /ˈprɛzɪdənt ɪˈlɛkt/ 次期大統領
levy tariffs /ˈlɛvi ˈtærɪfs/ 関税を課す
impose /ɪmˈpoʊz/ 課す、強制する
imports /ˈɪmpɔːrts/ 輸入品
slap /slæp/ 課す、強化する(カジュアルな表現)
additional /əˈdɪʃənəl/ 追加の
levy /ˈlɛvi/ 課税、徴収
goods /ɡʊdz/ 商品
deputy /ˈdɛpjəti/ 副〜
researcher /ˈriːsɜːrtʃər/ 研究者
estimates /ˈɛstɪmeɪts/ 見積もる
tariff hikes /ˈtærɪf haɪks/ 関税の引き上げ
exports /ˈɛkspɔːrts/ 輸出
automobile /ˈɔːtəməbiːl/ 自動車
food-processing /ˈfuːd ˈprɑːsɛsɪŋ/ 食品加工
electronics /ɪˌlɛkˈtrɑːnɪks/ 電子機器
electric industries /ɪˈlɛktrɪk ˈɪndəstriz/ 電気産業
projects /ˈprɑːʤɛkts/ 予測する
outlook /ˈaʊtlʊk/ 見通し、展望
bleak /bliːk/ 暗い、厳しい


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