New revelations in case of freed Japanese death row inmate
New revelations have emerged in the case of a man who is now free after decades on death row in Japan.
Hakamada Iwao was sentenced to death for killing a family of four in 1966.
In September, Hakamada, who is now 88, was fully acquitted by the Shizuoka District Court after 44 years on death row.
The court said three pieces of crucial evidence had been fabricated — including items of clothing and Hakamada’s confession. In the ruling in the retrial, the court said the questioning had been inhumane.
On Thursday, the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office disclosed its findings about the investigation. Supreme prosecutors said investigators had demanded Hakamada confess as though they had arbitrarily decided he was guilty.
They also said they cannot say the investigators listened sincerely to Hakamada’s testimony. However, the supreme prosecutors denied that investigators fabricated evidence. They said that would not have been realistically possible.
Hakamada’s defense counsel said the supreme prosecutors’ findings were inadequate and disappointing.
Shizuoka prefectural police also unveiled the findings of their own probe into the investigation.
They said it appears the investigators who questioned Hakamada ignored the fact that his testimony was voluntary. They said the questioning was not appropriate.
revelations /ˌrɛvəˈleɪʃənz/ 新事実、暴露
freed /friːd/ 解放された
Japanese death row inmate /ˌʤæpəˈniːz ˌdɛθ roʊ ˈɪnmeɪt/ 日本の死刑囚
Hakamada Iwao /ˌhækəˈmɑːdə ˈiwaʊ/ 袴田巌(人名)
sentenced to death /ˈsɛnˌtənst tə ˈdɛθ/ 死刑判決を受けた
acquitted /əˈkwɪtɪd/ 無罪判決を受けた
Shizuoka District Court /ˌʃɪzuˈoʊkə ˈdɪstrɪkt kɔːrt/ 静岡地方裁判所
crucial evidence /ˈkruːʃəl ˈɛvɪdəns/ 重要な証拠
fabricated /ˈfæbrɪˌkeɪtɪd/ 捏造された
confession /kənˈfɛʃən/ 自白
inhumane /ˌɪnhjuˈmeɪn/ 非人道的
retrial /ˈriˌtraɪəl/ 再審
Supreme Public Prosecutors Office /sʊˈpriːm ˈpʌblɪk ˈprɑːsɪˌkjuːtərz ˈɒfɪs/ 最高検察庁
findings /ˈfaɪndɪŋz/ 調査結果
arbitrarily /ˌɑːrbɪˈtrɛrɪli/ 恣意的に
defense counsel /dɪˈfɛns ˈkaʊnsəl/ 弁護団
inadequate /ɪˈnædɪkwɪt/ 不十分な
disappointing /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ/ 期待外れの
prefectural police /ˈpriːˌfɛkʧərəl pəˈliːs/ 県警
voluntary /ˈvɒlənˌtɛri/ 自発的な
probe /proʊb/ 調査、捜査
questioning /ˈkwɛsʧənɪŋ/ 取り調べ、尋問