
Nuclear reactor at Shimane plant restarts for 1st time since 2012

A nuclear reactor in Shimane Prefecture, western Japan, has restarted for the first time in about 13 years. It has become the 14th reactor to be reactivated after meeting new Japan’s standards introduced after meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.

The Chugoku Electric Power Company suspended the operation of the No. 2 reactor at its Shimane nuclear power plant in January 2012 for regular inspections.

The No. 2 unit passed the Nuclear Regulation Authority’s screening in 2021.

Chugoku Electric completed construction work for safety measures in October, and finished putting nuclear fuel into the reactor in November.

At around 3 p.m. on Saturday, the operator reactivated the reactor by removing its control rods.

The utility says the reactor reached a self-sustaining chain reaction about two hours after the restart, and power generation will start later this month. Commercial operations are expected to resume in early January.

The reactor is a boiling-water type, the same as that used at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Plant.

It is the second reactor of its kind to be restarted after the 2011 disaster. The first is the No. 2 reactor at the Onagawa nuclear power plant that restarted in October.

The Shimane complex in Matsue City is the only nuclear power plant in a Japanese prefectural capital. About 450,000 people live within 30 kilometers of the facility. Any area within that distance from a nuclear power plant must be covered by an emergency evacuation plan.

nuclear reactor /ˈnjuːkliər rɪˈæktər/ 原子炉
Shimane Prefecture /ʃɪˈmɑːneɪ ˈprɛfɪktʃər/ 島根県
western Japan /ˈwɛstərn dʒəˈpæn/ 西日本
restart /ˌriːˈstɑːrt/ 再稼働する
Chugoku Electric Power Company /ˌtʃuːˈɡoʊku ɪˈlɛktrɪk ˈpaʊər ˈkʌmpəni/ 中国電力
No. 2 reactor /ˌnʌmbər ˈtuː rɪˈæktər/ 2号機
Nuclear Regulation Authority /ˈnjuːkliər ˌrɛɡjəˈleɪʃən ɔːˈθɒrɪti/ 原子力規制委員会
screening /ˈskriːnɪŋ/ 審査
safety measures /ˈseɪfti ˈmɛʒərz/ 安全対策
control rods /kənˈtroʊl rɒdz/ 制御棒
self-sustaining chain reaction /ˌsɛlf səˈsteɪnɪŋ ˈtʃeɪn riˈækʃən/ 自己持続的な連鎖反応
boiling-water type /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ ˈwɔːtər taɪp/ 沸騰水型
Fukushima Daiichi Plant /ˌfuːkuˈʃiːmə daɪˈiːtʃi ˈplænt/ 福島第一原発
Onagawa nuclear power plant /ˌɒnəˈɡɑːwə ˈnjuːkliər ˈpaʊər ˈplænt/ 女川原発
Matsue City /ˌmætˈsuːeɪ ˈsɪti/ 松江市
emergency evacuation plan /ɪˈmɜːrdʒənsi ˌiːˌvækjuˈeɪʃən plæn/ 緊急避難計画


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