Tesla vehicle explodes outside Trump hotel in Las Vegas
One person died and seven others were injured when a vehicle exploded and caught fire Wednesday morning outside one of President-elect Donald Trump’s hotels in Las Vegas in the western US state of Nevada. The car was made by Tesla, where Elon Musk, a businessman who is close to Trump, serves as CEO.
The explosion happened outside the Trump International Hotel at around 8:40 a.m. on Wednesday. One person died inside the vehicle.
Police say the Tesla Cybertruck pulled up to the front of the hotel before smoke started spewing from it and then a large explosion occurred.
Musk took to X on Wednesday afternoon. He said that “we have now confirmed that the explosion was caused by very large fireworks and/or a bomb carried in the bed of the rented Cybertruck and is unrelated to the vehicle itself.”
Police told reporters at a news conference that there are many questions about the incident that need to be answered.
US media reported that authorities are investigating the blast as a possible act of terror.
Tesla /ˈtɛz.lə/ テスラ(自動車メーカー)
vehicle /ˈviː.ɪ.kəl/ 車両、乗り物
explodes /ɪkˈspləʊdz/ 爆発する
Las Vegas /læs ˈveɪ.ɡəs/ ラスベガス
Trump hotel /trʌmp həʊˈtel/ トランプホテル
Nevada /nəˈvɑː.də/ ネバダ州
Elon Musk /ˈiː.lɒn ˈmʌsk/ イーロン・マスク
CEO /ˌsiː.iːˈəʊ/ 最高経営責任者
explosion /ɪkˈspləʊ.ʒən/ 爆発
Cybertruck /ˈsaɪ.bər.trʌk/ サイバートラック(テスラ製車両のモデル名)
spewing /ˈspjuː.ɪŋ/ 噴き出す
fireworks /ˈfaɪə.wɜːks/ 花火
unrelated /ˌʌn.rɪˈleɪ.tɪd/ 無関係の
rented /ˈren.tɪd/ レンタルされた
incident /ˈɪn.sɪ.dənt/ 事件
news conference /njuːz ˈkɒn.fər.əns/ 記者会見
act of terror /ækt əv ˈter.ər/ テロ行為
authorities /ɔːˈθɒr.ɪ.tiz/ 当局
investigating /ɪnˈves.tɪ.ɡeɪ.tɪŋ/ 調査する
blast /blæst/ 爆発、爆風
マスク氏は水曜日の午後、Xに投稿した。彼は、「我々は今、爆発が非常に大きな花火および/またはレンタルしたサイバートラックの荷台に運ばれた爆弾によって引き起こされたことを確認しており、車両自体とは無関係である 」と述べた。