NHK英語ニュース25/1/2:FBI モンテネグロで銃乱射事件、子供2人を含む10人が死亡
Montenegro mass shooting kills 10 people, including 2 children
At least 10 people were killed in a mass shooting on Wednesday in the tiny Balkan country of Montenegro.
Reuters and other media say a man opened fire on Wednesday afternoon at a restaurant in a small town in the west of the country.
The man then moved on to three other locations and continued his shooting rampage. The dead included the owner of a bar and the owner’s two children. Four people were seriously injured.
The 45-year-old attacker, who had fled the scene, attempted suicide near his home after being cornered by police. He was later confirmed dead.
The motives and other details have not been made clear. But police say the suspect was thought to have been drinking heavily and there had been a brawl before shots were fired.
Wednesday’s incident was the second shooting rampage over the past three years in Montenegro. An attacker also killed 10 people, including two children, in 2022 before he was shot and killed by a passerby.
Montenegrin Prime Minister Milojko Spajic said authorities would consider tightening criteria for owning and carrying firearms.
President Jakov Milatovic said on social media that he was “shocked and stunned” and is “gripped by sadness over the loss of innocent lives.”
Montenegro /ˌmɒn.tɪˈneɪ.ɡrəʊ/ モンテネグロ(国名)
mass shooting /mæs ˈʃuː.tɪŋ/ 大規模銃乱射事件
killed /kɪld/ 殺された
including /ɪnˈkluː.dɪŋ/ ~を含む
Balkan /ˈbɔːl.kən/ バルカン(地域名)
opened fire /ˈəʊ.pənd ˈfaɪər/ 発砲した
restaurant /ˈres.trɒnt/ レストラン
rampage /ˈræm.peɪdʒ/ 暴れ回ること
seriously injured /ˈsɪə.ri.ə ˈɪn.dʒəd/ 重傷を負った
attacker /əˈtæk.ər/ 攻撃者
suicide /ˈsuː.ɪ.saɪd/ 自殺
cornered /ˈkɔː.nəd/ 追い詰められた
motives /ˈməʊ.tɪvz/ 動機
brawl /brɔːl/ 乱闘
shots were fired /ʃɒts wə ˈfaɪəd/ 発砲された
shooting rampage /ˈʃuː.tɪŋ ˈræm.peɪdʒ/ 銃の乱射
Montenegrin /ˌmɒn.tɪˈneɪ.ɡrɪn/ モンテネグロの
Prime Minister /ˌpraɪm ˈmɪn.ɪ.stər/ 首相
Milojko Spajic /ˌmɪlɔɪ.kəʊ ˈspɑːj.ɪtʃ/ ミロイコ・スパイチ(人名)
firearms /ˈfaɪər.ɑːmz/ 銃器
President /ˈprez.ɪ.dənt/ 大統領
Jakov Milatovic /ˈjæk.ɒv mɪˈlæt.ə.vɪtʃ/ ヤコフ・ミラトヴィッチ(人名)
shocked /ʃɒkt/ 衝撃を受けた
stunned /stʌnd/ 呆然とした
gripped by sadness /ɡrɪpt baɪ ˈsæd.nəs/ 悲しみに包まれた
innocent lives /ˈɪn.ə.sənt ˈlaɪvz/ 罪のない命
モンテネグロのMilojko Spajic首相は、当局は銃器の所有と携帯の基準を厳しくすることを検討すると述べた。
ヤコフ・ミラトビッチ大統領はソーシャルメディア上で、「衝撃を受け、呆然としている 」と述べ、「罪のない人命が失われたことに悲しみにとらわれている 」と述べた。