
Japan police arrest suspect days after teens stabbed in Kitakyushu

Police in western Japan have arrested a 43-year-old man in connection with the stabbings of two teenagers at a fast-food restaurant in Kitakyushu City on Saturday. A 15-year-old girl, Nakashima Saaya, died in the attack and a boy, also 15, was seriously injured.

Police said on Thursday that they arrested local resident Hirabaru Masanori on suspicion of attempted murder of the boy. They said the suspect has admitted to the allegation.
The two third-year junior high school students were stabbed at the restaurant around 8:30 p.m. on Saturday on their way home from cram school.
The police said surveillance camera footage led to the arrest.
They said surveillance camera and dashcam footage suggest that the man drove to and from the scene of the attack. There is also footage showing the two teens entering the restaurant and placing their belongings at a table before lining up at the counter.
It shows they were last in line when a man entered and stabbed them suddenly, saying nothing. He was in the restaurant for less than 30 seconds.
Police say the boy told them he did not know the attacker.
A woman who lives near the suspect’s home said she has heard the man shouting something using what looked like a loudspeaker several times.
Another neighbor said the suspect is well-built and that she has often heard loud music coming from his home.

arrest /əˈrɛst/ 逮捕する
suspect /ˈsʌsˌpɛkt/ 容疑者
stabbings /ˈstæbɪŋz/ 刺傷事件
fast-food restaurant /fæst-fuːd ˈrɛstərˌɒnt/ ファストフード店
connection /kəˈnɛkʃən/ 関連、接続
attempted murder /əˈtɛmptɪd ˈmɜːrdər/ 殺人未遂
allegation /ˌæləˈɡeɪʃən/ 主張、申し立て
third-year junior high school students /θɜːrd-jɪr ˈʤuːniər ˈhaɪ skuːl ˈstjuːdənts/ 中学3年生
cram school /kræm skuːl/ 学習塾
surveillance camera /sɜːrˈveɪləns ˈkæmərə/ 監視カメラ
dashcam /ˈdæʃˌkæm/ ドライブレコーダー
belongings /bɪˈlɒŋɪŋz/ 所持品
line up /laɪn ʌp/ 並ぶ
counter /ˈkaʊntər/ カウンター
suddenly /ˈsʌdənli/ 突然
loudspeaker /ˈlaʊdˌspiːkər/ 拡声器
well-built /ˌwɛlˈbɪlt/ がっしりした体格
loud music /laʊd ˈmjuːzɪk/ 大音量の音楽
neighbor /ˈneɪbər/ 近隣住民


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