ラジオビジネス英語 24/6/14(金) I2P2 Kailene Falls ケイリーン・フォールズ12/13

ラジオビジネス英語 24/6/14(金) I2P2 Kailene Falls ケイリーン・フォールズ12/13
I’m Jenny Silver. Welcome to business English for global competence.
Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively in business.
So let’s get started.
Interview 2 Kailene Falls ケイリーン・フォールズ Part 2

-Listening Point
What made Kailene go freelance sooner than she had originally planned?

So, you were faced with language challenges at first. You must have encountered cultural differences as well. Could you tell us a bit about it?
I think I had come somewhat prepared. I came here knowing I was going to be working long hours, but I was not expecting to spend the night at the company and work weekends at the company. And that was very tricky at first because I had finally made it to Japan. I had finally made it to Tokyo. I was living my dream, and yet I was in the company so much of the time, and the weekends came, and I was too tired. So I would spend an entire day sleeping. And, in the end, I only had a day-maybe-in which to do household chores… in which to do anything else I wanted to do. And, so, that was probably the biggest cultural issue—and I knew coming here I would face it, but actually experiencing it was something different altogether, yeah.
Right. So the work environment totally changed.
I had originally planned to go freelance at the end… maybe after 10 years of working in an agency. However, I realized personally that I wanted to be able to experience more of Japan than I was currently experiencing. So I decided to take that leap a bit sooner than I had originally anticipated. So after five years, I decided to research into becoming a freelancer working in Japan. And where I’m at currently, I always say I’m very glad I spent five years working at traditional Japanese design agencies. I think it was a very important learning experience. I was able to gain the vocabulary, gain the trust. Even now, clients . . . when they hear that I worked at these bigger agencies, they realize I can understand the culture aspect of it and know what is expected. Yeah, knowing what is expected of a designer working in Japan. But I’m also very glad that I no longer work at a design agency here. I kind of… put in my hours. I put in the labor and the sweat, and then after five years, I went freelance. And now, I feel like I have a very good balance in my current work-life balance.

language challenges /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ ˈʧælɪnʤɪz/ 言語の課題
cultural differences /ˈkʌlʧərəl ˈdɪfrənsɪz/ 文化の違い
long hours /lɒŋ ˈaʊəz/ 長時間労働
spend the night /spɛnd ðə naɪt/ 夜を過ごす
work weekends /wɜːk ˈwiːkɛndz/ 週末も働く
living my dream /ˈlɪvɪŋ maɪ driːm/ 夢を実現している
household chores /ˈhaʊshəʊld ʧɔːz/ 家事
cultural issue /ˈkʌlʧərəl ˈɪʃuː/ 文化的な問題
work environment /wɜːk ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt/ 職場環境
freelance /ˈfriːˌlɑːns/ フリーランス
anticipated /ænˈtɪsɪpeɪtɪd/ 予期された
traditional Japanese design agencies /trəˈdɪʃənl ˈʤæpəniːz dɪˈzaɪn ˈeɪʤənsiz/ 日本の伝統的なデザイン会社
learning experience /ˈlɜːnɪŋ ɪksˈpɪərɪəns/ 学習経験
gain the vocabulary /ɡeɪn ðə vəʊˈkæbjʊləri/ 語彙を習得する
work-life balance /wɜːk-laɪf ˈbæləns/ 仕事と生活のバランス
take that leap /teɪk ðæt liːp/ 思い切って踏み出す
put in my hours /pʊt ɪn maɪ ˈaʊəz/ 必要な時間を費やす
labor and sweat /ˈleɪbər ənd swɛt/ 労働と努力
trust /trʌst/ 信頼
designer /dɪˈzaɪnə/ デザイナー

-Words and Phrases
tricky やっかいな、扱いにくい
Tricky describes something that is difficult and may require special effort or consideration. In example would be, driving in the rain is tricky. It requires more attention and skill than usual.

live one’s dream 夢見ていた生活を送る、夢を実現させる
To live your dream means to have your dream job or living exactly as you dream of. Kayleen said that she was living her dream, meaning that she was doing exactly what she had hoped to do. We also have the phrase living the dream, which has the nuance that the dream or idea of happiness is shared. You may hear living the dream from other happy travelers, when you go on vacation

household chores 家事 (=housework)
go freelance 独立する、フリーランスになる

take a leap (何とかなると信じて)思い切ってやる
To dare. To go for it. To take a risk. To start something that may seem scary or difficult. Kayleen mentioned that she took a leap from working in a company to going freelance. This indicates that she made a big change that was not easy. If you take a leap, like Kayleen did, courage is essential.

research into -, ~について研究する・調べる
put in -, 〜(努力など)を注ぎ込む
In this case, ‘put in’ means to give your time and energy to something. Kayleen said I put in my hours ,and I put in the labor meaning that she gave many hours and lots of labor to the company. Here’s another example. You’ve been putting in a lot of hours at work. Get some rest.

-Listening Point
What made Kailene go freelance sooner than she had originally planned?
OK. Let’s listen to today’s interview again.

So, you were faced with language challenges at first. You must have encountered cultural differences as well. Could you tell us a bit
about it?
最初は言葉の壁に直面されたと。 文化的な違いにも遭遇されたでしょう。それについて、少しお聞かせいただけますか?
I think I had come somewhat prepared. I came here knowing I was going to be working long hours, but I was not expecting to spend the night at the company and work weekends at the company.
フォールズ :
ある程度は覚悟して (日本へ) 来たと思うんです。長時間働くことになるのはわかっていて来たんですけど、まさか会社で一夜を明かしたり、週末も働いたりすることになるとは思っていませんでした。
And that was very tricky at first because I had finally made it to Japan. I had finally made it to Tokyo. I was living my dream, and yet I was in the company so much of the time, and the weekends came, and I was too tired. So I would spend an entire day sleeping.
最初はすごくやっかいでしたよ。 やっとの思いで日本に来て、ようやく東京にたどり着いたんですから。 夢に見た生活を送っていたのに、 多くの時間は会社にいて、週末になっても疲れ切っていました。 だから (週末の) 丸1日は寝て過ごしていたんです。
And, in the end, I only had a day-maybe-in which to do household chores … in which to do anything else I wanted to do. And, so, that was probably the biggest cultural issue-and I knew coming here I would face it, but actually experiencing it was something different altogether, yeah.
そして結局、家事をしたり、 何かほかにやりたいことをしたりする日が1日あるだけ。 おそらくそれが最も大きな文化的な問題でしたね。 日本に来ればそうなるとわかっていたんですけど、 実際に経験するのとはまったく違いました。
Shibata: Right. So the work environment totally changed.
柴田: そうですよね。 では、 労働環境ががらりと変わったんですね。
Falls: I had originally planned to go freelance at the end … maybe after 10 years of working in an agency. However, I realized personally that I wanted to be able to experience more of Japan than I was currently experiencing. So I decided to take that leap a bit sooner than I had originally anticipated.
そもそも10年くらい事務所で働いてから、最終的にはフリーランスになるつもりでした。 でも、 そのときに経験していたよりもっと多く日本のことを経験できるようになりたいと思っていることに自分で気づいたんです。 そこで、当初見込んでいたより少しだけ早く、思い切ってやってみることにしました。
So after five years, I decided to research into becoming a freelancer working in Japan. And where I’m at currently, I always say I’m very glad I spent five years working at traditional Japanese design agencies. I think it was a very important learning experience. I was able to gain the vocabulary, gain the trust.
それで5年間(事務所で)働いてから、日本でフリーランスとして働くにはどうすればいいかを調べることにしました。 今の自分があるのは、日本流のデザイン事務所で5年を費やして働いたおかげで、 本当にそうしてよかったといつも言っているんです。いろいろなことを学ぶとても大事な経験になったと思います。語彙力がつきましたし、 信頼を得ることもできました。
Even now, clients . . . when they hear that I worked at these bigger agencies, they realize I can understand the culture aspect of it and know what is expected. Yeah, knowing what is expected of a designer working in Japan. But I’m also very glad that I no longer work at a design agency here. I kind of … I put in my hours. I put in the labor and the sweat, and then after five years, I went freelance. And now, I feel like I have a very good balance in my current work-life balance.
今でも、取引先の方たちは私がそういう大手事務所で働いていたと聞くと、「この人は文化的なことを理解できているし、 何を期待されているかもわかっているな」と気づいてくれます。 そう、日本で働くデザイナーに何が求められているかを知っているということです。 ただ、今はもう日本のデザイン事務所で働いていなくて本当によかったとも思います。 なんて言うか•••……、かなりの時間を費やしたし、心血を注いで働いて、 5年たってやっとフリーランスになったんです。 今は、ワークライフバランスがとてもうまくとれている気がしています。

-Answer to Listening Point
Q). What made Kailene go freelance sooner than she had originally planned?

-Answer to Listening Point
A). She realized that she wanted to experience more of Japan.

-Enhance Your Vocabulary 「キャリア」に関する語句
1). learn the ropes 基礎を学ぶ、コツを覚える
As an intern, I gained hands-on experience and learned the ropes of the industry.
インターンとして、 実地経験を積み、 業界の基礎を学びました。
learn the ropes 、新人の船乗りがまずロープの結び方を学んだことからきたフレーズ。
hands-on experience 「現場経験、実地経験」

2). hone one’s skills スキル・能力を磨く
As I honed my skills, I advanced to senior roles, and I spearheaded big projects.
スキルを磨くにつれて上級の役職に昇進し、 大きなプロジェクトを主導しました。
hone 「(能力や技術を磨く」、 hone my skills 「自分のスキルを磨く」
spearhead 「槍の先」というところから、動詞としては「主導する、陣頭指揮を執る」

3). shape one’s career キャリアを形成する・築く
My early experiences in customer service helped shape my career in hospitality management.

-Your Turn 次の日本語を英語にしてみましょう。
ネットワーキングと人間関係の構築が、 新たな機会への扉を開きました。
One example is :
Networking and building relationships opened doors to new opportunities.
open doors to -, 〜への扉を開く

-from Today’s Interview
And now, I feel like I have a very good balance in my current work-life balance.

See you next time.

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