ラジオ英会話 24/10/23(水)L138 can と be able to

ラジオ英会話 24/10/23(水)L138 can と be able to

The difference between “can” and “be able to” lies in their usage, subtle meanings, and grammatical forms. Here’s a breakdown:
「can」と「be able to」の違いは、その用法、微妙な意味、文法上の形にある。以下はその内訳である:

1. General Ability
“Can” is more commonly used to express general ability in the present. It’s simpler and more natural in everyday conversation.
Example: She can swim. (She has the ability to swim.)
“Be able to” can also express general ability, but it’s more formal or used when emphasizing the ability.
Example: She is able to swim. (This is slightly more formal than using “can.”)
1. 一般的な能力
例 彼女は泳ぐことができる。
「Be able to」でも一般的な能力を表現できますが、よりフォーマルか、能力を強調する場合に使われます。
例 彼女は泳ぐことができる。

2. Specific Situations
When talking about specific past, future, or hypothetical situations, “be able to” is often preferred over “can.”
Past ability (specific):

Example: He was able to find his keys yesterday. (A specific instance where he managed to do something.)
He could find his keys yesterday can sound unnatural in this specific situation, although “could” is correct for general past ability (e.g., He could swim when he was 5).
Future ability:

Example: She will be able to finish her homework tomorrow. (“Can” doesn’t have a future tense form, so “be able to” is used instead.)
Hypothetical/Conditional ability:

Example: If I study hard, I will be able to pass the exam.

2. 具体的な状況
具体的な過去、未来、または仮定の状況について話す場合、「can」 よりも「be able to」 が好まれることが多い。
例 :彼は昨日鍵を見つけることができた。
一般的な過去の能力(例:He could swim when he was 5 )では 「could 」が正しいが、この具体的な状況では「He could find his keys yesterday 」は不自然に聞こえる。
例)彼女は明日宿題を終わらせることができるだろう。(「Can 」には未来時制の形がないので、代わりに 「be able to 」が使われる)

3. Possibility vs. Ability
“Can” can express both ability and possibility:

Example (ability): He can speak Spanish. (He knows how to speak Spanish.)
Example (possibility): It can rain later today. (There is a possibility of rain.)
“Be able to” only refers to ability and doesn’t convey possibility.

Example: He is able to speak Spanish. (Only his ability, not a possibility.)

3. 可能性 vs. 能力
「Can」は能力と 可能性の両方を表すことができる:
例(能力): 例(能力):彼はスペイン語を話すことができます。(彼はスペイン語を話すことができる。)
例(可能性): 今日は後で雨が降るかもしれない。(雨が降る可能性がある)
「be able to」は能力を表すだけで、可能性を伝えるものではありません。
例 彼はスペイン語を話すことができる。(彼はスペイン語を話すことができる。)

4. Perfect Tenses
In perfect tenses, “be able to” is used because “can” doesn’t have a perfect tense form:
Example: I have been able to solve the problem. (Correct)
Example: I have can solve the problem. (Incorrect)
Summary of Usage:
“Can” is common and widely used for general ability and possibility in the present.
“Be able to” is used in more formal contexts, for future and perfect tenses, or to emphasize ability in specific situations.
In short, both expressions deal with the idea of ability, but their applications vary slightly based on tense, formality, and the context of the situation.

4. 完了形
完了形では、「can 」には完了形がないため、「be able to」が使われます:
「Be able to」はよりフォーマルな文脈で、未来形や完了形、または特定の状況での能力を強調するために使われます。

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