ラジオ英会話 24/10/23(水)L138 to 不定詞

ラジオ英会話 24/10/23(水)L138 説 to 不定詞

The to-infinitive is a verb form that consists of “to” followed by the base form of a verb, like “to eat,” “to play,” or “to write.” It is a non-finite verb form, meaning it does not change according to the subject, tense, or number. The to-infinitive is used in various grammatical situations. Let’s explore its key functions:
to不定詞は、「to 」の後に動詞の基本形が続く動詞の形で、「to eat」(食べる)、「to play」(遊ぶ)、「to write」(書く)などがある。これは非定形動詞で、主語や時制、数によって変化することはありません。to不定詞はさまざまな文法場面で使われます。その主な働きを見てみよう:

1. As the Subject of a Sentence
The to-infinitive can act as the subject, although it’s less common in everyday speech.
Example: To read is important for improving vocabulary.
In this sentence, “to read” is the subject of the verb “is.”

1. 文の主語として
例 読書は語彙力向上のために重要である。
この文では 「to read」 が動詞 「is」 の主語になっています。

2. As the Object of a Verb
The to-infinitive often follows certain verbs as the object.
Example: I want to learn Spanish.
Here, “to learn” is the object of the verb “want.”
Common verbs followed by a to-infinitive include: agree, decide, hope, plan, promise, and want.

2. 動詞の目的語として
例 私はスペイン語を学びたい。
ここでは 「to learn」 が動詞 「want」 の目的語です。

3. To Express Purpose or Reason
A to-infinitive can express the purpose of an action or why something is done.
Example: She went to the store to buy milk.
The phrase “to buy milk” shows the reason she went to the store.

3. 目的や理由を表す
例 彼女は牛乳を買いに店に行った。 to buy milk “は彼女が店に行った理由を表している。

4. After Adjectives
The to-infinitive can follow adjectives to explain feelings, opinions, or judgments.
Example: It’s difficult to explain.
In this case, “to explain” follows the adjective “difficult.”

4. 形容詞の後
例 説明するのは難しい。
この場合、「to explain」 は形容詞 「difficult」 の後に続く。

5. After Question Words
The to-infinitive can also be used after certain question words like what, where, how, or who.
Example: I don’t know what to say.

5. 疑問詞の後
to不定詞はwhat, where, how, whoのような特定の疑問語の後にも使うことができます。
例 何を言えばいいのかわかりません。
例 そろそろ時間だ。

6. With Certain Phrases
Some fixed expressions use the to-infinitive, especially to give advice, opinions, or instructions.
Example: It’s time to go.

6. 特定のフレーズで

7. With Modal Verbs
While modals (e.g., can, should, might) are followed by the bare infinitive (without “to”), certain expressions involving modals may still lead to the use of a to-infinitive.

Example: I would like to help.
Summary of Common Verbs Followed by the To-Infinitive:
agree, decide, expect, hope, learn, need, offer, plan, promise, want, wish
Examples of Common Adjectives Followed by the To-Infinitive:
happy, surprised, eager, difficult, easy
In short, the to-infinitive is versatile and used in many different structures in English. It’s particularly useful for expressing purposes, actions, or following certain verbs and adjectives.

7. モーダル動詞
モーダル(例:can, should, might)の後には(toを含まない)裸の不定詞が続きますが、モーダルを含む特定の表現ではto不定詞が使われることがあります。

例 手伝いたい。

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