ラジオ英会話 24/11/7(木)L144 same goes for –
The phrase “same goes for” is used to show that what was just said about one thing also applies to another. It’s a casual way of saying that two situations are similar or have the same effect or outcome.
How to Use “Same Goes For”
To Say “The Same is True For”
Example: “My job is very stressful. That’s why I work out. Same goes for me, too.”
Meaning: The speaker is saying that they also work out because of job stress. It’s a way of saying they’re in the same situation.
To Indicate Agreement or Parity
Example: “Tom loves ice cream. Same goes for his brother.”
Meaning: Tom’s brother also loves ice cream, just like Tom does.
For Instructions or Conditions
Example: “Please don’t use your phones during class. Same goes for the break time.”
Meaning: The rule about not using phones applies to both class time and break time.
In short, “same goes for” is a way to state that the previous statement or rule applies to another person or thing as well. It’s often used in casual or conversational settings.
phrase freɪz フレーズ、表現
same goes for seɪm ɡoʊz fɔr 同じことが〜にも当てはまる
show ʃoʊ 示す、見せる
applies əˈplaɪz 適用される
another əˈnʌðər 別の、もう一つの
casual ˈkæʒuəl カジュアルな、気軽な
effect ɪˈfɛkt 効果、影響
outcome ˈaʊtˌkʌm 結果
to say tu seɪ 言うために
true tru 真実の、本当の
stressful ˈstrɛsfəl ストレスの多い
work out wɜrk aʊt 運動する
agreement əˈɡrimənt 同意
parity ˈpærɪti 同等、対等
instructions ɪnˈstrʌkʃənz 指示
conditions kənˈdɪʃənz 条件
please pliz どうか、お願いします
break time breɪk taɪm 休憩時間
in short ɪn ʃɔrt 簡単に言えば
previous ˈprivjəs 以前の
rule rul 規則
person ˈpɜrsən 人
thing θɪŋ もの
conversational ˌkɑnvərˈseɪʃənəl 会話の、口語の
setting ˈsɛtɪŋ 設定、場面