ラジオ英会話 24/12/4(水)L163 過去完了形
Sensei, am I old fashioned?
Yes, you are.
No, David. You are just a little old fashioned.
Oh, just a little, well, in that case.
OK, maybe a lot. Hey everyone, This is Akino Roza.
And I’m David Evans.
She called very early, but the tickets had already sold out.
L163 過去完了形
完了形は現在完了形 (have + 過去分詞) にとどまりません。 今回はそのバリエーションのひとつ、過去完了形を学びます。 上手に使うためには 「さかのぼる意識」 が大切ですよ。
ロキシーとおじいさんが話をしています。 おじいさんとおばあさんは、ロンドンで行われるクリスマスコンサートのチケットを手に入れようとしましたが
(Roxy and her grandfather are talking. Grandpa and Grandma tried to get tickets to a Christmas concert in London.)
sold out /səʊld aʊt/ 売り切れる
looking forward to /ˈlʊkɪŋ ˈfɔːrwərd tuː/ 楽しみにしている
event /ɪˈvɛnt/ イベント
suppose /səˈpoʊz/ 〜だと思う
through /θruː/ 〜を通じて
smartphone /ˈsmɑːrtfoʊn/ スマートフォン
apps /æps/ アプリ
old-fashioned /ˌoʊldˈfæʃənd/ 古風な、時代遅れの
traditional /trəˈdɪʃənəl/ 伝統的な
my dear /maɪ dɪr/ 愛しい人よ
-Words & Phrases
sell out 売り切れる
old-fashioned 時代遅れの
traditional 昔からの、 伝統的な
All right, it’s time for today’s practice. We’ll be using 過去完了形. Phew, all right, there are two steps here. First, point in the past and then we say what happened before that. So remember, it’s all in the past. Got it? Let’s practice.
Repeat after us.
had already set
When we finally got home, the sun had already set.
Great work, keep it up.
had dreamed
He moved there because he had dreamed about it all his life.