ラジオ英会話 24/12/6(金)L165 今週のReview
Hey everyone, welcome back. It’s Friday and this is Akino Roza.
When I say “re”, you say “view”. Re …
Re …
Hi everyone. And I’m David Evans.
-165 今週のReview
Listening Challenge!
OK, let’s review this week’s dialogs.
Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.
Let’s start with Monday’s dialog.
OK guys, here is the question.
Q1). Why can’t Megan take a picture?
a). She forgot her camera.
b). Her phone battery has died.
c). She doesn’t like her cloths.
Here we go.
-Say It in English
Okay, here’s the first situation.
1). 出勤途中に車が故障したあなた。プロジェクトミーティングに遅れてしまいそうです。 同僚に電話してください。
(Your car broke down on the way to work. You are going to be late for a project meeting. You call your colleague. )
(Hello. My car broke down and I’m late for the meeting. Can you bring my computer to the meeting room so I can start my presentation as soon as I arrive?)
All right. Let’s move on to the next situation. Imagine this.
2). 今日は家族で外食。 部屋で休んでいるとお母さんが「宿題はやったの?」と聞いてきます。
(Today you will go out for dinner as a family. While you are resting in your room, your mother asks, “Did you do your homework?”) 応答してください。
Hey, guys. Have you ever worked part-time at the restaurant?
At a restaurant? No. Uh, a supermarket, though. Yes. How about you, Roza?