英会話 time trial 24/10/17(木) D14 最初に、〜はいかがですか? To start, would you like -?

英会話 time trial 24/10/17(木) D14 最初に、〜はいかがですか? To start, would you like -?
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Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day 14 for the month of October.
Hi, everyone. I’m Steve Soresi.
And I’m Jenny Skidmore.
Thanks for joining us.
It’s Thursday. Let’s practice the phrases we have learned this week.
And we’ll get you ready for actual conversations. All right. Let’s get started.
First let’s do some warming up.
-step 1 EXPRESS
So try to repeat each phrase after me. And copy my intonation. OK, here we go!
1). This Irish restaurant is charming.
2). Our table is over there.
3). I like the music and the atmosphere.
4). Let’s have a seat.
5). Today’s specials are written on that board.
6). How hungry are you?
7). I’m pretty hungry.

All right. did you express all those phrases quickly?
And now let’s move on to the next step.
-step2  CREATE
Next let’s use the phrases we learned this week, and create some original sentences. Here is the first one.

1. 最初に、 〜はいかがですか?
To start, would you like -?
You can imagine you’re at a restaurant, or you’re entertaining someone at home. Are you ready? To start “Would you like -? Go ahead.
Okay, now, let’s check out Jenny’s sentence. Jenny?
To start, would you like an appetizer?
Good! To start, would you like an appetizer?
Okay, now, try to make one more with “to start, would you like something?”
To start, would you like -? Go ahead.

2. 最初は、~にします。
To start, I’ll have -.
Now you’re ordering.
To start, I’ll have -. Go ahead.
Good. Now it’s Jenny’s turn.
To start, I’ll have the cheese platter.
That’s a good one.
盛り合わせ in English is often platter. For example, チーズの盛り合わせ cheese platter
Jenny said, “To start, I’ll have the cheese platter.
All right. Use your imagination, and order something with this phrase.
To start, I’ll have -. Go ahead.
Very good!

3. この料理には~がついています。
This dish comes with -.
So imagine you’re at a restaurant, and you tell a friend, “This dish comes with something.” Are you ready to create?
This dish comes with -. Go ahead.
Okay, let’s see what Jenny creates.
This dish comes with a dessert.
That’s a good one.
This dish comes with a dessert.
It’s your turn again.
This dish comes with -. Go ahead.

Okay. Now let’s move on to our final step.
-step3 -REPLY
Next, we’ll practice something important. You’ll reply in English to some questions. Just use your own words. Here is the first one.
朝食を取るレストランにやって来て、 待ち合わせの相手と合流します。 声をかけられるので、自由に返事をしましょう。
(You will come to a restaurant where you will have breakfast and meet your rendezvous. You will be approached, so feel free to respond.)
Q1). You made it to the restaurant. Was it hard to find?
You can start with yes, or no. And then add one sentence. Are you ready?
Q1). You made it to the restaurant. Was it hard to find?
(レストランに着けましたね。 見つけにくかったですか?)
Okay. Let’s check out Jenny’s sample reply.
Q). You made it to the restaurant. Was it hard to find?
A1). Not really. Sorry if I kept you waiting.
それほどでもありませんでした。 お待たせしていたならすみません。
First Jenny said, “Not rally.”
And then she said, “Sorry if I kept you waiting.”
Okay, it’s your turn to try one more time. I’ll ask the same question. Try to reply within the time limit. Here we go.
Q1). You made it to the restaurant. Was it hard to find?
Okay, let’s go to the second question.

Q2). To start, would you like something to drink?
Are you ready?
To start, would you like something to drink? Go ahead.

Okay, let’s check out a sample reply.
Q2). To start, would you like something to drink?
A2). I’ll just have some water for now.
とりあえず in English is for now.
So, Jenny said, “I’ll just have some water for now.
All right. It’s your turn to try again. I’ll ask the same question.
Q2). To start, would you like something to drink?

Good job! Let’s go to the last question.
どれくらいおなかがすいているか聞かれます。 自由に返事をしましょう。(You will be asked how hungry you are. Feel free to reply.)
Q3). How hungry are you?
You must be hungry, because we’ve been talking about food, right, Jenny?
Yeah. Actually I’m getting hungry too.
Me too. Okay, so here’s a good question.
Q3). How hungry are you? Go ahead.
Okay. Let’s see how Jenny replies.
Q3). How hungry are you? (どれくらいおなかがすいていますか?)
3. I’m pretty hungry. But I usually don’t eat that much.
割とおなかがすいています。 でも、いつもは少食なんです。
I’m pretty hungry. And then Jenny said, “But I usually don’t eat that much.”
Okay, you can use that phrase, or another. But just reply in your own words and let’s try this one more time.
Q3). How hungry are you?

Okay, time’s up.
Great job today, everyone.
All right. you’re ready for tomorrow’s conversation. It’s -.
You’re going to a charming restaurant in Ireland.
And you’ll have a full Irish breakfast.
Sounds like a fun one.
So, everyone. Get on board.
And let’s practice English together.
See you next time on -.
Bye, bye.

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