英会話 time trial 24/12/2(月)D1クルーズ船には Wi-Fiがあります。
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial
Let’s get started with day 11 for the month of December.
Hi everyone.
I’m Steve Soresi.
And I’m Jenny Skidmore.
Thanks for joining us.
And welcome to a new month of A Kiowa Time Trial.
今年度のテーマは英語でつながる船の旅。 毎月異なる国や地域をクルーズ船に乗って巡ります。
(This year’s theme is a ship trip connecting in English. Each month a different country or region will be visited on a cruise ship.)
And starting this month, we are cruising the Caribbean!
(You will travel to the Caribbean for four months starting this month.)
This month, we’re going to Jamaica!
(Our first stop will be Jamaica, a beautiful island nation in the Caribbean Sea. )
How do you say it in Japanese, Jenny?
Right, but in English it’s Jamaica.
そして金曜日の対話カラオケでは、ジャマイカ出身の会話パートナーが登場します。 どんな体験が待っているのでしょうか?お楽しみに。 それでは今日のトレーニングに進みましょう。
(And Friday’s interactive karaoke will feature conversation partners from Jamaica. What kind of experience awaits you? Enjoy the experience. Let’s move on to today’s training. )
Okay, everyone. Get ready to speak up.
Digital help in Jamaica.
IT生活の表現をアップデート。 携帯電話やパソコン、リモートワークなど、デジタル社会で役立つ表現を身につけていきましょう。 ということで今回は、ワイファイにまつわる表現を取り上げます。 一回目の挑戦です。どれくらい言えるか力試しをしましょう。
(Update your expression of IT life. Let’s learn expressions useful in the digital society, such as cell phones, computers, remote work, etc. So this time, we will cover expressions related to wifi. This is the first challenge. Let’s test your ability to see how much you can say.)
It’s time for your first try.
stable, be stable
6. 客室の Wi-Fi は割と安定しています。
The Wi-Fi -.
-OK, how was your first round? Did you try to say each one?
Now you can check your answers with mine. Listen closely.
1. クルーズ船には Wi-Fiがあります。
〜があります。 have
The cruise ship has Wi-Fi.
There is Wi-Fi in this cruise ship.