英会話 time trial 24/12/9(月)D6電源はまだ入っていません

英会話 time trial 24/12/9(月)D6電源はまだ入っていません
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
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We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day 6 for the month of December.
Hi everyone! I’m Steve Soresi.
And I’m Jenny Skidmore. Thanks for joining us.

Let’s go to a new week of 英会話 time trial.
(This month’s stage is Jamaica.
We’ll be talking to this person at the Taiwa Karaoke this Friday.)
Hello again, everyone. Kerry, here. We need your digital help because we’ll volunteer at a primary school in Jamaica on Friday. Have you ever set up a laptop? It’s pretty easy. Talk to you at the end of the week.
Thanks, Kerry. That’s our theme this month, digital help.
ジャマイカの小学校でのボランティアプログラムに参加して、子どもたちのためにパソコンのセットアップを手伝いますよ。 (I’ll be participating in a volunteer program at an elementary school in Jamaica, helping set up computers for the children.)
(This time, we will practice basic expressions for using computers and other electronic devices together.)
一回目の挑戦です。 (Let’s see how much you can say.)
It’s time for your first try.
(Please express the Japanese I say in English within the time limit. First, here.)
1. 電源は入っていますか?
Is the power on?
電子機器の電源は power
2. 電源はまだ入っていません。
the power cord

Okay, time’s up.
Well, how was your second try? Great job.
So everyone, get on board.
And let’s practice speaking together.
See you next time on – Time Trial.

-Steve’s Advice
The power is on.
The power is off.
「電源を入れる/切る」 「明かりをつける」なら
turn on the light
turn the light on ただし、代名詞の it や this を使う場合は、 turn it on のように代名詞が間に入ります。

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