BBC Learning English-Friendships: Phrasal verbs with Georgie

BBC Learning English-Friendships: Phrasal verbs with Georgie

Hi! This is a BBC Learning English series all about something that everyone loves: phrasal verbs. I’m Georgie, and in this video, we’re learning phrasal verbs that you can use to talk about friendships or relationships between people. Let’s get into it.

If you ‘get on’ with someone, you like them, and have a friendly relationship with them.
If you don’t get on… well, it’s the opposite.
We get on so well!
It’s so good to have friendships at work.
Isn’t it!

If you ‘fall out’ with someone, it means you have an argument, and you stop being friendly with them.
Neil. The way you make your coffee is terrible.
Stop being rude or we’re going to fall out!

If you ‘run into’ someone, It means that you meet them unexpectedly.
We can also say ‘bump into’ someone.
Neil! I wasn’t expecting to run into you at the office today. I thought you’d be at home.
Oh, well.

If you ‘hear from’ someone, it means you receive communication from someone, usually via phone call, email or text message.
I asked if you were coming in today, but I didn’t hear from you.
We fell out, Neil. I thought you were still angry.

If you ‘make up’ with someone, It means you become friends again after falling out or having an argument.
Well, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insult your coffee-making style.
That’s OK. I forgive you.
Yay! I’m glad we made up.

If you ‘hang out’ with someone, it means you spend time relaxing or socialising with them.
It’s so nice that we can hang out like this again now that we’ve made up.
I agree.

And finally, if you ‘catch up’ with someone, it means you talk to them about what’s been happening in your lives since the last time you spoke or hung out.
Neil, it feels like ages since I’ve seen you. We really need to catch up!
I know! What’s been going on in your life lately?

Remember, don’t freak out! Just come back to BBC Learning English, and we’ll work on more phrasal verbs and how to use them. See you next time!

phrasal verbs ˈfreɪzəl vɜrbz 句動詞
get on gɛt ɑn 仲良くする
friendly relationship ˈfrɛndli rɪˈleɪʃənˌʃɪp 友好的な関係
fall out fɔl aʊt 仲たがいする
argument ˈɑrgjəmənt 口論
run into rʌn ˈɪntu 偶然出会う
bump into bʌmp ˈɪntu 偶然会う
hear from hɪr frʌm 連絡を受ける
make up meɪk ʌp 仲直りする
hang out hæŋ aʊt 一緒に過ごす
catch up kæʧ ʌp 近況を話す
insult ˈɪnsʌlt 侮辱する
forgive fərˈgɪv 許す
freak out friːk aʊt パニックになる、驚く
communication kəˌmjunəˈkeɪʃən 連絡、通信
socialising ˈsoʊʃəlaɪzɪŋ 社交、交流
ages eɪʤɪz 長い間、何年も
what’s going on wʌts ˈgoʊɪŋ ɑn 何が起きているの?
lately ˈleɪtli 最近
see you next time si jʊ nɛkst taɪm また次回お会いしましょう

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