BBC Learning English-What is preposition?
Prepositions with Georgie
People hate them.
But what are they and why are they so difficult? This is Georgie from BBC Learning English. Let’s get into it.
I live in England. Right now I’m walking through the streets of London. I can see cars on the road because people are travelling from their homes to work. Prepositions are words like these. They go before nouns to show things like time
I’ll see you at 7 o’clock.
Place: Where?
At the restaurant.
And direction.
OK. I think I’ll walk from my house to the restaurant and then I’ll get some fresh air.
Some prepositions are one word. Some are more than one word. But why are they so difficult? Well, often there isn’t a direct translation in a person’s first language. Or if there is, it doesn’t always apply because prepositions in English have lots of different meanings and uses. Just have a look at all of these uses of the word over.
The plane flew over the mountains.
I slept a lot over the weekend.
The athlete is over two metres tall.
OK, so we know they’re difficult. So how can we learn them more easily? I’ve got two tips. One. It helps to learn them with words they are likely to go with. So, don’t learn depend on its own, learn depend on. Don’t learn consist on its own, learn consist of.
Two, it also helps to learn them in categories, like time, for example.
So, now you know a little bit more about prepositions and why they are so confusing. In the next videos, I’m going to show you some tricks for how to remember the prepositions. And in the meantime, practice using the worksheet on the website. See you next time!
preposition /ˌprepəˈzɪʃən/ 前置詞
difficult /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ 難しい
through /θruː/ ~を通って
travelling /ˈtrævəlɪŋ/ 移動する
nouns /naʊnz/ 名詞
direction /dəˈrɛkʃən/ 方向
fresh air /frɛʃ ɛr/ 新鮮な空気
one word /wʌn wɜːrd/ 1語
more than one word /mɔːr ðən wʌn wɜːrd/ 複数語
direct translation /dɪˈrɛkt trænsˈleɪʃən/ 直訳
meanings /ˈmiːnɪŋz/ 意味
uses /juːzɪz/ 用法
over /ˈoʊvər/ ~の上に、~を超えて
flew /fluː/ 飛んだ
mountains /ˈmaʊntənz/ 山々
weekend /ˈwiːkˌɛnd/ 週末
learn /lɜːrn/ 学ぶ
depend on /dɪˈpɛnd ɑːn/ ~に依存する
consist of /kənˈsɪst əv/ ~で構成される
categories /ˈkætɪɡɔːriz/ カテゴリー、分類
confusing /kənˈfjuːzɪŋ/ 混乱させる、紛らわしい
tricks /trɪks/ コツ、工夫
practice /ˈpræktɪs/ 練習
worksheet /ˈwɜːrkʃiːt/ ワークシート
meantime /ˈmiːnˌtaɪm/ その間に
website /ˈwɛbˌsaɪt/ ウェブサイト
see you next time /siː juː nɛkst taɪm/ また次回お会いしましょう