UN urges Japan to allow surname choice for married couplesーNHK WORLD-JAPAN NEWS
国連、夫婦別姓を認めるよう日本に要請ーーNHK WORLD-JAPAN NEWS
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A United Nations committee has, for the fourth time, recommended Japan revise its legal requirement that married couples use the same surname. The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women on Tuesday published its findings on efforts by the Japanese government to achieve gender equality. The UN body conducted a review on Japan earlier this month, its first such audit in eight years. The committee’s report described the Japanese civil code’s surname requirement as discriminatory, saying the law in practice often compels women to adopt their husband’s surname. The committee called on Japan to amend its provisions regarding surnames for married couples so women can keep their surnames after marriage. Bandana Rana, one of the members of the UN committee, spoke to NHK on Tuesday.
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Japan has consistently been saying that it has been conducting discussions, inviting public opinions. Now that excuse has to stop. This is a matter of a choice of a woman and also the impact on family and the self-identity of women as well. So this is a concern that the committee has consistently raised.
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Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi Yoshimasa says… The relevant ministries and agencies will fully consider the recommendation and take appropriate action.
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We explained to the UN committee that Japanese people have various opinions, and the government needs to further consider the matter based on these opinions and trends in diet discussions.
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So far, several court cases have argued that this requirement of the civil code violates the constitution. which guarantees freedom of marriage. Earlier this month, a couple in Hokkaido filed a lawsuit against the central government. The government asked the court to dismiss the suit, saying the Diet should discuss and decide the legal system for married couples.
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As I worked in a hospital, my surname on all medical records and nameplates was changed to my husband’s surname. I really thought my name would disappear. and felt this was a loss of my identity.
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The law requiring a shared surname originated nearly 130 years ago, according to the Ministry of Justice. As far as they know, Japan is currently the only country with this system. In a poll conducted by NHK in April regarding choosing surnames for married couples, 62% were in favor and 27% against. Those in favor said that changing the family name will interfere with work and daily life, and that it is unequal because most women change their family name. On the other hand, those against said that it weakens the sense of family unity and bonding, and that it has an undesirable effect on children. The business community is also calling for separate surnames for married couples. Changing surnames could be a hindrance.
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when doing business overseas because a woman’s maiden name is not on her passport they say it could also create difficulties with building up a career for example in research positions with the advancement of women in the workforce and the steady increase in the number of female executives this has become a business risk for companies that cannot simply be dismissed as a personal problem for individuals the
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k-dan and urs that diet discussions be speeded up. The government has considered introducing a system of choosing surnames for married couples twice, but put off submitting a bill on the grounds that public opinion is divided.
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With active engagement with civil society, Japan can go a long way in bringing about a change, but the political will has to be there. If Japan wants to retain its power, its international image, its global image. It is very necessary for Japan to embrace change.
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Lawyer Hayashi Yoko spoke about what the recommendation means. She served as a member of the UN committee for 10 years until 2018 and became the first Japanese person to head it.
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First, I want diet members, public servants, and legal professions to know about this, and then for the government to actively engage in training and understanding with the parties concerned to find out what Japan lacks. The Treaty on the Elimination of Discrimination of Women is a legally binding international document, and it’s important to implement it in line with the purpose of international law.
committee /kəˈmɪti/ 委員会
recommend /ˌrɛkəˈmɛnd/ 勧告する
legal requirement /ˈliːɡəl rɪˈkwaɪərmənt/ 法的要件
married couples /ˈmærid ˈkʌplz/ 夫婦
surname /ˈsɜrˌneɪm/ 姓
gender equality /ˈʤɛndər ɪˈkwɑləti/ 男女平等
audit /ˈɔdɪt/ 監査、調査
civil code /ˈsɪvəl koʊd/ 民法
discriminatory /dɪˈskrɪmɪˌnɛtɔri/ 差別的な
provisions /prəˈvɪʒənz/ 条項
Chief Cabinet Secretary /ʧif ˈkæbənət ˈsɛkrəˌtɛri/ 内閣官房長官
appropriate action /əˈproʊpriət ˈækʃən/ 適切な対応
freedom of marriage /ˈfridəm əv ˈmærɪʤ/ 結婚の自由
lawsuit /ˈlɔˌsut/ 訴訟
dismiss the suit /dɪsˈmɪs ðə sut/ 訴訟を却下する
identity /aɪˈdɛntɪti/ アイデンティティ
poll /poʊl/ 世論調査
family unity /ˈfæməli ˈjunɪti/ 家族の結束
hindrance /ˈhɪndrəns/ 妨げ
overseas /ˌoʊvərˈsiz/ 海外
business risk /ˈbɪznəs rɪsk/ ビジネスリスク
civil society /ˈsɪvəl səˈsaɪəti/ 市民社会
political will /pəˈlɪtɪkəl wɪl/ 政治的意思
retain /rɪˈteɪn/ 保つ
international image /ˌɪntərˈnæʃənəl ˈɪmɪʤ/ 国際的イメージ
legally binding /ˈligəli ˈbaɪndɪŋ/ 法的拘束力のある
international law /ˌɪntərˈnæʃənəl lɔ/ 国際法
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