ラジオビジネス英語 24/6/28(金) I2P4 Kailene Falls ケイリーン・フォールズ

ラジオビジネス英語 24/6/28(金) I2P4 Kailene Falls ケイリーン・フォールズ
I’m Jenny Silver. Welcome to business English for global competence.
Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively in business.
So let’s get started.
Interview 2 Kailene Falls ケイリーン・フォールズ Part 4
(This month we are talking to illustrator Kayleen Falls. In this issue, we hear about Kayleen’s book published in 2022.)
-Listening Point
What’s the problem with writing about Japanese food in a bilingual format?

-Words and Phrases
factual 事実の、事実に基づく
If something is factual, it can be confirmed as a fact. True and correct. Accurate information. Here’s an example. The judge told the witness to only give a factual report of the situation and refrain from giving opinions.

end up -ing 結局~する
This phrase describes the result of a situation. For example, I ended up buying a house which means in the end or after all I bought a house. You can also use this phrase to describe a potential outcome of a situation such as, “We might end up buying a house.”

A Viewpoint. And add an attitude about something. A person set of ideas and opinions. Kailene said that she ended up writing a book from a foreigner’s perspective or a foreigners point of view.


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