ラジオビジネス英語 24/6/7(金) I2P1 Kailene Falls ケイリーン・フォールズ

ラジオビジネス英語 24/6/7(金) I2P1 Kailene Falls ケイリーン・フォールズ
I’m Jenny Silver. Welcome to business English for global competence.
Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively in business.
So let’s get started.
Interview 2 Kailene Falls ケイリーン・フォールズ Part 1
今月、来月のゲストは、ケイリーン・フォールズ です。アメリカ出身のケイリーンさんはミネソタ大学の日本語学部とデザイン学部を卒業後、2014年に東京のデザイン会社に勤務するため来日。大手企業のデザインに関わりながら腕を磨き2018年にフリーダンスのイラストレーターとして独立。現在は日本の美味しいものを描きつつバイリンガルレポーター、声優など幅広く活躍中です。今日は日本の会社に就職した時のエピソードを伺います。ではインタビューを聞く前に聞き取りのポイントを確認しましょう。
(This month’s and next month’s guest is Kailene Falls. Originally from the United States, Kailene graduated from the Japanese Language and Design Departments at the University of Minnesota and came to Japan in 2014 to work at a design company in Tokyo. She honed her skills while working on designs for major companies, and in 2018 went independent as a free dance illustrator. Currently, she draws delicious Japanese food while also working in a wide range of roles, including as a bilingual reporter and voice actress. Today, we’ll hear about her experience working for a Japanese company. Before we begin the interview, let’s review some key points to keep in mind when listening.)
-Listening Point
Why was it difficult for Kailene to find a job?
OK. Let’s listen to today’s interview.

-Words and Phrases
send off -, ~を送る、~を送り出す
In this case to “send off or send something off” means to send it to the relevant people. To male or submit something. Send and send something off are very similar, but phrases like ‘send something off’ or ‘send in’ sound more specific and have the nuance of sounding like the task has been completed. For example. I sent my resume off to the company. Sounds more like the applicant has finished their part and is waiting for an answer. But I sent my resume to the company makes the listeners feel they may need more information.


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