ラジオビジネス英語 24/7/3(水) L51 競合会社との違いについて協議する

ラジオビジネス英語 24/7/3(水) L51 競合会社との違いについて協議する
I’m Jenny Silver. Welcome to business English for global competence.
Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively in business.
So let’s get started.

L51 競合会社との違いについて協議する(Discuss differences from competitors)
Mr. Naka and Helen talk about the growing demand for third-country transport.
仲さんとヘレンは、 三国間輸送の需要の高まりについて話をしています。
-Listening Point
What does Mr. Naka think about his company’s logistics network?

-Words and Phrases
peer [píər] 同業者、 競合会社
leverage 活用する、生かす
comparable 匹敵する compare + able 比較できる、同等である
set – apart from … 〜を…と区別する、~を…と差別化する
demanding 要求の高い
capable of -, ~の能力がある
That makes sense.

Jenny, have you ever been to other Asian countries besides Japan? Which countries would you like to visit?
Usually my travels are limited to places within Japan or going to visit family back in the United States. But if I get a chance, l’d love to see as many countries as possible. I’d love to see historical sites, like Angkor Wat, and try all different kinds of food, especially Vietnamese food. How about you, Mr. Shibata, do you have any recommendations?


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