ラジオビジネス英語 24/7/5(金) I2P5 Kailene Falls ケイリーン・フォールズ

ラジオビジネス英語 24/7/5(金) I2P5 Kailene Falls ケイリーン・フォールズ
I’m Jenny Silver. Welcome to business English for global competence.
Yes, let’s learn how to communicate effectively in business.
So let’s get started.
Interview 2 Kailene Falls ケイリーン・フォールズ Part 5
今月は先月に引き続き、 イラストレーターのケイリーン・フォールズさんにお話を伺っています。
(This month, we continue our discussion with illustrator Kailene Falls.)

-Listening Point
Q). What are three factors that Kailene has been able to combine into one?

-Words and Phrases
top 超える
To go over a limit. To exceed to pass. Kailene said that her most difficult illustrations top 20 hours, meaning that they take more than 20 hours to complete. Another example would be “I’m trying to top my record.” This means that the person wants to beat their record or score a higher record.

turnaround 納期、 所要時間
Turn around is the time spent on a task from beginning to end, also known as turnaround time. Kailene said that her illustrations are not suited for projects with fast turnaround. This means she requires more time and prefers not to work with tight deadlines or fast turnaround. Another example would be, “Our company has a 24-hour turnaround on most orders.” This means that the order will be fulfilled or shipped within 24 hours of accepting the order.

combine ~ into… , ~を・・・にまとめる
deadline 締め切り


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