中高生の基礎英語 24/10/1(火) T13-D2 What language besides English would you like to learn? 英語以外にどんな言語を学びたいですか?

中高生の基礎英語 24/10/1(火) T13-D2 What language besides English would you like to learn? 英語以外にどんな言語を学びたいですか?
♪ Topic 13: What language besides English would you like to learn? Day 2.
Let’s start by listening to this week’s dialogue.
Yugo and Ayaka are talking about the languages they’d like to learn.

Now, let’s find out more about what Yugo says. To understand his thoughts better, we’ll ask you some questions.
Okay. Here’s the first question: Why does Yugo think learning Chinese can help him make the world laugh?
Why does Yugo think learning Chinese can help him make the world laugh? Moeno?
Because more than a billion people speak Chinese.
Very nice. All right. Let’s listen to what Yugo says.

The question was: Why does Yugo think learning Chinese can help him make the world laugh? And the answer is: Because more than a billion people speak Chinese. Great job.
Everyone, let’s practice saying the answer like this, in two parts. “Yugo thinks learning Chinese can help him make the world laugh” “because more than a billion people speak it.” Well done.
All right. Let’s move on to the next question. First, listen to this.

Okay. So, here’s the question: What does Yugo think Chinese can help him learn to do?
What does Yugo think Chinese can help him learn to do? Moeno?
He thinks Chinese can help him study cooking in China.
Very nice answer. The question was: What does Yugo think Chinese can help him learn to do? And the answer is: It can help him learn to make his favorite Chinese dishes. Your answer, Moeno, was great, too.
Thank you.
Everyone, let’s practice saying the answer. It can help him learn to make his favorite Chinese dishes. Wonderful.

– What would you say?
Today, let’s look at ways to say which language you’d like to learn.
Moeno, if you wanted to learn – for example, Chinese – what might you say?
I’d like to learn Chinese.

besides /bɪˈsaɪdz/ Other than; in addition to.
dialogue /ˈdaɪəlɔːɡ/ A conversation between two or more people.
make the world laugh /meɪk ðə wɜːrld læf/ To entertain or bring joy to people worldwide.
a billion people /ə ˈbɪljən ˈpiːpəl/ One thousand million individuals.
study cooking /ˈstʌdi ˈkʊkɪŋ/ Learn the art and techniques of preparing food.
favorite /ˈfeɪvərɪt/ Preferred above others; most liked.
dishes /dɪʃɪz/ Prepared meals or types of food.
I’ve been thinking about X /aɪv bɪn ˈθɪŋkɪŋ əˈbaʊt ɛks/ A phrase indicating that you have recently started considering something.
I’ve always wanted to X /aɪv ˈɔːlweɪz ˈwɒntɪd tə ɛks/ A phrase indicating that something has been a long-held desire or dream.
summary /ˈsʌməri/ A brief statement or account of the main points of something.
open-ended question /ˈoʊpən-ˈɛndəd ˈkwɛstʃən/ A question that does not have a fixed or simple answer, allowing for a wide range of responses.
K-pop /keɪ pɒp/ A genre of popular music originating in South Korea.
Japanese Translation:

♪ トピック13:英語以外で学びたい言語は?2日目。



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