中高生の基礎英語 24/11/4(月) T15-D1 Is it good to have school uniforms学校の制服があるのは良いことですか?

中高生の基礎英語 24/11/4(月) T15-D1 Is it good to have school uniforms学校の制服があるのは良いことですか?
Is it good to have school uniforms?

♪ Topic 15, Day 1.
Let’s warm up by chatting about this week’s topic, which is:
Is it good to have school uniforms?
Moeno, at your high school, do the students wear school uniforms?
Yes, we do.
What about when you were in junior high school and primary school? Did you wear a uniform then?
I wore a uniform when I was a junior high school student, but I didn’t wear it when I was a primary school student.
I see. How about you, Sandy? Have you worn a school uniform at any time?
Yeah. I had to wear a school uniform through all of primary school and high school.
Really? And junior high school, too?
Well, when I was in high school, junior and senior high school were combined together.
I see. So, you wore a uniform all the way up until you finished high school.
That’s right.
I see.
Most junior high schools and high schools in Japan have school uniforms.
Yes. But many primary schools don’t. Moeno’s didn’t.
That means that many students may have experienced both wearing a school uniform and not wearing a school uniform.
Yeah. So, maybe many listeners will have clear opinions about this week’s topic.
Now, let’s move on to this week’s dialogue.
Edison sees Mei working at a table in the student lounge.
She looks a little frustrated.
Yeah. Frustrated, like she wants to do something, but she can’t. Edison goes over to talk to her.

Moeno, what were you able to catch?
Mei is not much into uniforms.
Mmm, right.
Mei says, “Not everyone likes that look.”
Here, a “look” means the way that you look in a particular piece of clothing or style of clothing or hair or makeup.
We’ll find out more about the things Edison and Mei say on Day 2 and Day 3.

-New Words, New Phrases
Today’s first phrase is: Not especially.
When you answer a question with “Not especially,” you mean, “Not very much.”
Right. You can use “Not especially” when you don’t like something very much, or you don’t really want to do something.
For example: Sandy, you like to read fantasy novels. Do you also like to read about politics?
Ugh… not especially.
Moeno, you’ve said that you would like to get a driver’s license for a car. Are you also interested in a license to drive a motorcycle?
Mmm… not especially.
Ah, okay. In the dialogue, when Edison asks Mei if she likes how a school uniform looks on her, she answers, “Not especially.”
Yeah. She means, “I don’t like it very much” or “I’m not really into it.”
Yes. Our second new phrase today is: individual style.
Here, “style” means the way that you look – your clothes, your hair, and the way that you express yourself through your appearance.
Right. And “individual” means something that is single and separate, something that is yours that you do not share with someone else.
In the dialogue, Mei likes the idea of making “colorful, creative versions” of the school uniform “with an individual style for each dancer.”
Yeah. That means that each dancer would have their own special costume, different from all the other dancers.

warm up wɔːrm ʌp ウォームアップする
this week’s topic ðɪs wiːks ˈtɑːpɪk 今週の話題
school uniforms skuːl ˈjuːnɪˌfɔːrmz 学校の制服
junior high school ˈʤuːnjər haɪ skuːl 中学校
primary school ˈpraɪˌmɛri skuːl 小学校
all the way up ɔːl ðə weɪ ʌp ~までずっと
combined together kəmˈbaɪnd təˈgɛðər 結合した
clear opinions klɪr əˈpɪnjənz 明確な意見
move on muːv ɑːn 進む、移る
student lounge ˈstuːdənt laʊnʤ 学生ラウンジ
frustrated ˈfrʌstreɪtɪd イライラしている
especially ɪˈspɛʃəli 特に
individual style ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒuəl staɪl 個人のスタイル
strikes again straɪks əˈgɛn 再びやってのける、また成功する
conversation strategy ˌkɑnvərˈseɪʃən ˈstrætəʤi 会話戦略
graceful ˈɡreɪsfl 優雅な
not especially nɑt ɪˈspɛʃəli 特にそうではない
agree with you əˈɡri wɪð ju あなたに賛成する
don’t you think? doʊnt ju θɪŋk? そう思いませんか?
don’t you agree? doʊnt ju əˈɡri? 賛成しませんか?
right? raɪt そうですよね?
not bad nɑt bæd 悪くない、まあまあ
creating kriˈeɪtɪŋ 作ること、創造する
good idea ɡʊd aɪˈdiə 良いアイデア
strikes again straɪks əˈɡɛn 再びやってのける
what kind? wʌt kaɪnd? どの種類ですか?
graceful and beautiful ˈɡreɪsfl ænd ˈbjuːtəfl 優雅で美しい
pay attention peɪ əˈtɛnʃən 注意を払う
practice ˈpræktɪs 練習する

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